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TdxPSFileBasedExplorerRootFolder Class

Represents the root folder in a TdxPSFileBasedExplorer component.


TdxPSFileBasedExplorerRootFolder = class(


File-based explorer components enable end-users to explore reports stored in individual files. The component explores a child branch of a folder specified by the RootPath property. That folder is represented by a TdxPSFileBasedExplorerRootFolder instance that can be accessed via the explorer’s Root property.

The TdxPSFileBasedExplorerRootFolder class inherits most functionality from the TdxPSFileBasedExplorerFolder class whose instances represent the root’s child folders. It introduces the DriveType and VolumeLabel properties that enable you to determine the type of drive where the explored folders are located and the volume label, if the object represents a volume.

See Also