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TdxPDFPageTextRange.Create(Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer,Integer) Method

Creates a text range on a specific PDF document page.


class function Create(APageIndex: Integer; AStartWordIndex: Integer; AStartOffset: Integer; AEndWordIndex: Integer; AEndOffset: Integer): TdxPDFPageTextRange; overload; static;


Name Type
APageIndex Integer
AStartWordIndex Integer
AStartOffset Integer
AEndWordIndex Integer
AEndOffset Integer




Call this class function to obtain an initialized TdxPDFPageTextRange record. The four variants of the Create class function provide you with four different ways to define a text range within a specific PDF document page:

  • The first variant returns an invalid text range that does not correspond to any text in a document;

  • The second variant returns a text range including the entire document page whose index is passed as the APageIndex parameter;

  • The third variant returns a text range corresponding to a portion of the document page whose index is passed as the APageIndex parameter. The range’s start and end positions are passed as the AStartPosition and EndPosition parameters, respectively;

  • The fourth variant is similar to the third overloaded Create function variant, however it accepts the range’s start and end positions as two zero-based word indexes (the AStartWordIndex and AEndWordIndex parameters) in the specified document page with the corresponding offset values (the AStartOffset and AEndOffset parameters). For more information on defining a text position within a PDF document page, refer to the TdxPDFPageTextPosition type description.

See Also