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TdxNavBarCustomStyles Properties

Contains custom styles for NavBar elements.
Name Description
Background Specifies a custom style applied to the NavBar control’s client area.
Button Specifies a custom style applied to scroll buttons.
ButtonHotTracked Specifies a custom style applied to scroll buttons when the mouse pointer is over them.
ButtonPressed Specifies a custom style applied to scroll buttons when users press them.
DropTargetGroup Specifies a custom style applied to target groups being dragged over.
DropTargetLink Specifies a custom style applied to the line indicating the target position of the dragged link.
Hint Specifies a custom style applied to hints displayed for group headers and links.
NavigationPaneHeader Specifies a custom style applied to the header section and splitter in Navigation Pane Views.
Owner protected Provides access to the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
Styles Provides zero-based indexed access to custom styles. Inherited from TdxNavBarBaseCustomStyles.
See Also