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TdxNavBarCustomSignPainter.DrawSign(TCanvas,TRect,TdxScaleFactor,TColor,TColor,TColor,TdxNavBarObjectStates) Method

Draws a group header sign within a specific rectangle.


class procedure DrawSign(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; AScaleFactor: TdxScaleFactor; AForeColor: TColor; ABackColor1: TColor; ABackColor2: TColor; AState: TdxNavBarObjectStates);


Name Type
ACanvas TCanvas
ARect TRect
AScaleFactor TdxScaleFactor
AForeColor TColor
ABackColor1 TColor
ABackColor2 TColor
AState TdxNavBarObjectStates


Use this method in TdxNavBarCustomSignPainter descendants to custom paint NavBar group headers via the OnCustomDraw.GroupCaption event.

A group header sign is drawn within a group header. It indicates the current expansion status of NavBar groups. Group header signs are supported only by Explorer Bar Views. These Views use standard painters (see the TdxNavBarCustomSignPainter class description), which draw signs as double arrows.

The DrawSign method draws a sign on the ACanvas canvas within the rectangular region specified by the ARect parameter. The AForeColor parameter specifies the double-arrow color. ABackColor1 and ABackColor2 specify the starting and ending colors for the background’s gradient fill (note that the TdxNavBarCustomSignPainter ignores these parameters).

The AState parameter is used to know which type of a double-arrow to draw. If it contains the sExpanded flag, an up-arrow is drawn. Otherwise, the method draws a down-arrow.

See Also