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TdxFlowChartAdvancedShapeRepository Members

Stores the XML-based shapes and their settings.


Name Description
ArrowShapes Provides access to the “Arrow Shapes” stencil (shape category).
BasicFlowchartShapes Provides access to the “Basic FlowChart Shapes” stencil (shape category).
BasicShapes Provides access to the “Basic Shapes” stencil (shape category).
DecorativeShapes Provides access to the “Decorative Shapes” stencil (shape category).
SDLDiagramShapes Provides access to the “SDL Diagram Shapes” stencil (shape category).
SoftwareIcons Provides access to the “Software Icons” stencil (shape category).
StencilCount Returns the stencils (that is, shape categories) count.
Stencils Provides indexed access to stencils (that is, shape categories).


Name Description
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
FindShapeByID(string) Returns a shape by its identifier.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
LoadShapesFromFile(string,string,string) Loads custom shapes from an XML file.
LoadShapesFromStream(TStream,string,string) Loads custom shapes from the specified stream.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also