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TdxBarCustomCombo Events

The base class for the deprecated toolbar combo box.
Name Description
OnChange Occurs when the text of an edit control changes. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem.
OnCheckKeyForDropDownWindow Occurs when users press a key in a linked item control. Inherited from TCustomdxBarCombo.
OnClick Occurs when clicking the control. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
OnCloseUp Occurs when closing a dropdown window. Inherited from TCustomdxBarCombo.
OnCurChange Occurs on text editing. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem.
OnDestroy This event occurs before the bar item is destroyed. Inherited from TdxBarItem.
OnDrawItem Occurs when a dropdown listbox item is to be displayed.
OnDropDown Occurs when a dropdown window is to be displayed. Inherited from TCustomdxBarCombo.
OnEnter Occurs when an item control, corresponding to an item, receives focus. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem.
OnExit Occurs when an item control, corresponding to an item, loses focus. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem.
OnGetDropDownWindow Allows you to create custom drop-down windows. Inherited from TCustomdxBarCombo.
OnGetScreenTip Inherited from TdxBarItem.
OnKeyDown Occurs when a user presses a key in a linked item control. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem.
OnKeyPress Occurs when users press a single character key. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem.
OnKeyUp Occurs when users release a key once pressed. Inherited from TdxBarWindowItem.
OnMeasureItem Occurs every time users access listbox item height.
See Also