TdxMapControlAzureMapImageryDataProvider.EndUpdate Method
Applies all pending changes and sends the corresponding request to Azure Maps servers to update tile data.
procedure EndUpdate;
Every time you change a tile provider’s settings (for example, change the active tileset), the provider sends a request to Azure servers to download corresponding data. Enclose multiple provider setting changes between BeginUpdate and EndUpdate
procedure calls to avoid excessive data requests and improve performance.
Ensure that every BeginEnd
call, even if an exception occurs. Otherwise, the current tile layer remains unable to update tile data.
#Code Example: Add a Tile Map Layer and Load Azure Maps Data
The following code example implements a procedure that accepts an Azure Maps account key, creates and configures a map tile layer, and loads data:
dxAzureMapImageryDataProvider; // This unit declares TdxMapControlAzureMapImageryDataProvider
// ...
procedure TMyForm.AddAzureMapLayer(const AAzureKey: string);
ATileLayer: TdxMapImageTileLayer;
AProvider: TdxMapControlAzureMapImageryDataProvider;
ATileLayer := dxMapControl1.Layers.Add(TdxMapImageTileLayer) as TdxMapImageTileLayer;
ATileLayer.ProviderClass := TdxMapControlAzureMapImageryDataProvider;
AProvider := ATileLayer.Provider as TdxMapControlAzureMapImageryDataProvider;
AProvider.BeginUpdate; // Initiates the following batch change
AProvider.AzureKey := AAzureKey; // Assigns the Azure account key
AProvider.Tileset := TdxAzureMapTileset.Satellite; // Changes the default tileset
AProvider.MaxParallelConnectionCount := 8; // Explicitly defines the number of parallel connections
AProvider.EndUpdate; // Calls EndUpdate regardless of the batch operation's success