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Find Panel

The Find Panel enables end-users to type search queries into the panel’s Find box to filter records and highlight search strings in the results.

Use the vertical grid control’s FindPanel property to customize the Find Panel’s look & feel.

The table below lists the main members that relate to the Find Panel.


The grid control’s FindPanel.DisplayMode property.

The grid control’s ShowFindPanel and HideFindPanel procedures.


The grid control’s FindPanel.Position property.


The grid control’s FindPanel.Layout, Styles.FindPanel, and Styles.SearchResultHighlight properties.


The grid control’s FindPanel.ShowClearButton, FindPanel.ShowCloseButton, and FindPanel.ShowFindButton properties.

The grid control’s DataController.FindCriteria.Text property.


The grid control’s FindPanel.HighlightSearchResults, FindPanel.UseExtendedSyntax, FindPanel.UseDelayedFind, FindPanel.FocusContentOnApplyFilter, and FindPanel.ClearFindFilterTextOnClose properties.

HitTest Information

The grid control’s HitTest.HitAtFindPanel property.