Custom Shapes Tutorial. Complete Code Examples
- 2 minutes to read
This topic includes the code snippets that show full description of the “DevExpress” and “Colorful Rectangle” shapes created in this tutorial.
The “DevExpress” shape’s description:
<Start X="0" Y="0.05" FillColor="#F58220" StrokeColor="#F58220" Kind="ClosedFilled"/>
<Arc X="0.05" Y="0" Direction="Clockwise" Size="CreateSize([W]/20, [H]/20)"/>
<Line X="0.95" Y="0"/>
<Arc X="1" Y="0.05" Direction="Clockwise" Size="CreateSize([W]/20, [H]/20)"/>
<Line X="1" Y="0.15"/>
<Arc X="0.95" Y="0.2" Direction="Clockwise" Size="CreateSize([W]/20, [H]/20)"/>
<Arc X="0" Y="0.58" Direction="Counterclockwise" Size="CreateSize([W]*1.75, [H]*0.95)"/>
<Start X="0.05" Y="1" FillColor="#424141" StrokeColor="#424141" Kind="ClosedFilled"/>
<Arc X="0" Y="0.95" Direction="Clockwise" Size="CreateSize([W]/22, [H]/22)"/>
<Arc X="0.94" Y="0.26" Direction="Clockwise" Size="CreateSize([W]*2.4, [H])"/>
<Arc X="1" Y="0.30" Direction="Clockwise" Size="CreateSize([W]/18, [H]/17)"/>
<Line X="1" Y="0.95"/>
<Arc X="0.95" Y="1" Direction="Clockwise" Size="CreateSize([W]/19, [H]/17)"/>
<ShapePoint X="0" Y="0.58" Kind="Relative"/>
<ShapePoint X="0.015" Y="0.015" Kind="Relative"/>
<ShapePoint X="0.5" Y="0"Kind="Relative"/>
<ShapePoint X="0.985" Y="0.015" Kind="Relative"/>
<ShapePoint X="0.985" Y="0.19" Kind="Relative"/>
<ShapePoint X="0.985" Y="0.28" Kind="Relative"/>
<ShapePoint X="0.985" Y="0.98" Kind="Relative"/>
<ShapePoint X="0.5" Y="1" Kind="Relative"/>
<ShapePoint X="0.013" Y="0.98" Kind="Relative"/>
The “Colorful Rectangle” shape’s description:
Caption="Colorful Rectangle"
DefaultSize="100, 100"
<Start X="0" Y="0" FillColor="#F9E79F" StrokeColor="#6A6A5F"/>
<Line X="1" Y="0"/>
<Line X="1" Y="1"/>
<Line X="0" Y="1"/>
<Start X="0" Y="1" FillColor="#F0E68C" FillBrightness="-0.085" StrokeColor="#6A6A5F"/>
<Line X="1" Y="1"/>
<Line X="1" Y="2"/>
<Line X="0" Y="2"/>
<Start X="1" Y="0" FillColor="#FAD7A0" StrokeColor="#6A6A5F"/>
<Line X="2" Y="0"/>
<Line X="2" Y="1"/>
<Line X="1" Y="1"/>
<Start X="1" Y="1" FillColor="#F8C471" StrokeColor="#6A6A5F"/>
<Line X="2" Y="1"/>
<Line X="2" Y="2"/>
<Line X="1" Y="2"/>
Max="1" Min="0"
Value="[P.Y] / [H]"
Point="CreatePoint([W], [P] * [H])"
Max="1" Min="0"
Value="[P.X] / [W]"
Point="CreatePoint([P] * [W], [H])"