Customization Form - Options Page
- 2 minutes to read
The Options page is displayed both at design and runtime.
This page allows you to customize the appearance aspects and layout of all the toolbars and their items on a form. If a bar manager is painted using a standard style (the bar manager’s Style property is set to bmsStandard), the Options page only displays Large Icons, Show ToolTips on toolbars, Show shortcut keys in ToolTips and Menu animations options.
Click a page or the corresponding link below to learn more about it.
Toolbars Page (displayed at design time)
Toolbars Page (displayed at runtime)
Commands Page (displayed both at design and runtime)
Options Page (displayed both at design and runtime)
All Commands Page (displayed only at design time)
Groups Page (displayed only at design time)
The Options page allows you to reset the layout of all toolbars on a form and specify the following:
large icons on toolbar items;
item tooltips;
menu animation (if any);
the use of MRU (Most Recently Used) menu functionality (available for bar managers painted using non-standard paint styles).
To do this, use the following controls:
#Menus show recently used commands first
If this option is active, most recently used menu items are “promoted”, while the remaining items are hidden.
#Show full menus after a short delay
This option is used only if the Menus show recently used commands first option is checked. If Show full menus after a short delay is active, all menu items are displayed in the menu after it has been active for 4000 milliseconds.
#Reset my usage data
This button is only available at runtime and it resets all usage data.
#Large Icons
If active, large images are displayed on toolbar items. This option corresponds to the ImageOptions.LargeIcons property of a bar manager.
#Show ToolTips on toolbars
If active, hints for toolbar items are displayed. This option corresponds to the ShowHint property of a bar manager.
#Show shortcut keys in ToolTips
If active, hints for toolbar items contain shortcuts that are used to activate them. This option corresponds to the ShowShortCutInHint property of a bar manager. It is active only when the Show ToolTips on toolbars option is active.
#Menu animations
Specifies the style in which menus are activated (None, Random, Unfold, Slide, or Fade). This option corresponds to the MenuAnimations property of a bar manager. By default, None is selected.