How to Convert the cxGetRecurrenceDescriptionString Routine From Delphi Into C++ Code
- 3 minutes to read
If you need to change information provided by the cxGetRecurrenceDescriptionString routine (for example, for the localization purposes), implement a custom routine instead.
To inform a scheduler that a new routine is to be invoked in the application, use the cxGetRecurrenceDescriptionStringProc constant.
The following example demonstrates how to implement this routine in C++ code:
// ...
AnsiString __fastcall <Form>::cxMyGetRecurrenceDescriptionString(TcxSchedulerEventRecurrenceInfo *ARecurrenceInfo, bool AFullDescription = false)
const AnsiString Weeks[] = {"first", "second", "third", "fourth", "last"};
const AnsiString EveryMonths1[] = {"day %d of every %d months", "day %d of every month"};
const AnsiString EveryMonths2[] = {"the %s %s of every %d months", "the %s %s of every month"};
AnsiString GetDateParts(AnsiString &ADayStr, &AWeekStr){
if ((ARecurrenceInfo->DayNumber >= 1)||(ARecurrenceInfo->DayNumber <= 5)){
AWeekStr = Weeks[DayNumber];
else {
AWeekStr = "";
if (ARecurrenceInfo->DayType == cxdtEveryDay){
ADayStr = "day";
else if (ARecurrenceInfo->DayType == cxdtWeekDay){
ADayStr = "weekday";
else if (ARecurrenceInfo->DayType == cxdtWeekEndDay){
ADayStr = "weekend day";
else {
ADayStr = LongDayNames[(int)DayType) - (int)cxdtSunday + 1];
AnsiString OccurDaysToString(){
TDay * ADay;
int ACount, ASaveCount;
AnsiString Result;
ACount = 0;
for (int I = 0; I < 7; I++) {
if (ARecurrenceInfo->OccurDays->Contains(ADay)) {
ASaveCount = ACount;
for (int I = 0; I < 7; I++) {
if (ARecurrenceInfo->OccurDays->Contains(ADay)) {
if (ASaveCount == 1){
Result = LongDayNames[(int)ADay + 1];
else {
if (ACount > 1){
Result = "" + LongDayNames[(int)ADay + 1] + ", " ;
else if (ACount == 1){
Result = "" + LongDayNames[(int)ADay + 1] + " " ;
else {
Result = "and " + LongDayNames[(int)ADay + 1];
return Result;
AnsiString GetTimeBounds(TcxSchedulerEvent *APattern){
AnsiString Result;
if ((APattern->AllDayEvent) && (APattern->Duration == 1))
Result = "";
if (APattern->Duration < 1)
Result = " from " + FormatDateTime("t", APattern->Start) + " to " + FormatDateTime("t", APattern->Finish)
Result= " from " + FormatDateTime("t", APattern->Start) + " for " + cxMinutesToTextProc(Floor(APattern->Duration / MinuteToTime));
return Result;
String GetDateBounds(TcxSchedulerEvent *APattern: TcxSchedulerEvent){
if (ARecurrenceInfo->Count) >= 0)
return " effective " + FormatDateTime("ddddd", ARecurrenceInfo->Start) + " until " + FormatDateTime("ddddd", ARecurrenceInfo->GetEndDate)
return " effective " + FormatDateTime("ddddd", ARecurrenceInfo->Start);
AnsiString ADayStr, AWeekStr, AMonthStr, Result;
TcxSchedulerEvent *APattern;
if ((ARecurrenceInfo == NULL)||(!(ARecurrenceInfo->Event->IsRecurring))){
return "";
switch (ARecurrenceInfo->Recurrence){
if (ARecurrenceInfo->DayType == Cxschedulerstorage::cxdtWeekDay){
Result = "every weekday";
else {
if (ARecurrenceInfo->Periodicity == 1)
Result = Format("every %d days", ARRAYOFCONST((ARecurrenceInfo->Periodicity)))
Result = Format("every day", ARRAYOFCONST((ARecurrenceInfo->Periodicity)));
if (ARecurrenceInfo->DayType == 1)
Result = "every " + OccurDaysToString;
else {
Result = Format("every %d weeks on %s", ARRAYOFCONST((ARecurrenceInfo->Periodicity, OccurDaysToString)));
if (ARecurrenceInfo->DayType == Cxschedulerstorage::cxdtDay){
if (ARecurrenceInfo->Periodicity == 1)
Result = Format(EveryMonths1[0], ARRAYOFCONST((ARecurrenceInfo->DayNumber, ARecurrenceInfo->Periodicity)))
Result = Format(EveryMonths1[1], ARRAYOFCONST((ARecurrenceInfo->DayNumber, ARecurrenceInfo->Periodicity)));
else {
GetDateParts(ADayStr, AWeekStr);
if (ARecurrenceInfo->Periodicity == 1)
Result = Format(EveryMonths2[0], ARRAYOFCONST((AWeekStr, ADayStr, ARecurrenceInfo->Periodicity)))
Result = Format(EveryMonths2[1], ARRAYOFCONST((AWeekStr, ADayStr, ARecurrenceInfo->Periodicity)));
if ((ARecurrenceInfo->Periodicity >= 1)&&(ARecurrenceInfo->Periodicity <= 12)){
AMonthStr = LongMonthNames[ARecurrenceInfo->Periodicity];
else {
AMonthStr = "";
if (ARecurrenceInfo->DayType == Cxschedulerstorage::cxdtDay){
Result = Format(("every %s %d", ARRAYOFCONST((AMonthStr, ARecurrenceInfo->DayNumber)));
else {
ADayStr = GetDateParts(ADayStr, AWeekStr);
Result = Format("the %s %s of %s", ARRAYOFCONST((AWeekStr, ADayStr, AMonthStr)));
if (ARecurrenceInfo->Event->EventType == Cxschedulerstorage::etPattern){
APattern = ARecurrenceInfo->Event;
else {
APattern = ARecurrenceInfo->Event->Pattern;
if (APattern == NULL){
APattern = ARecurrenceInfo->Event;
if (AFullDescription){
return Result + "Occurs " + GetDateBounds(APattern) + GetTimeBounds(APattern) + '.';
else {
return Result + GetTimeBounds(APattern);
See Also