HitTestManager Class
In This Article
Provides hit testing for the RichEditControl.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraRichEdit
Assembly: DevExpress.RichEdit.v24.2.Core.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.RichEdit.Core
The HitTestManager class provides the HitTestManager.HitTest method, which allows you to obtain the information about the elements located at the specified point. The RichEditHitTestResult instance, returned by the HitTest method, provides access to the currently retrieved element (RichEditHitTestResult.LayoutElement property) and allows you to get the type (LayoutElement.Type) and coordinates (LayoutElement.Bounds) of the target object.
if (!e.SelectedControl.Equals(richEditControl1))
//Obtain the mouse cursor's layout position on the page and the current page index:
PageLayoutPosition pageLayoutPosition = richEditControl1.ActiveView.GetDocumentLayoutPosition(e.ControlMousePosition);
if (pageLayoutPosition == null)
Point point = pageLayoutPosition.Position;
int pageIndex = pageLayoutPosition.PageIndex;
LayoutPage layoutPage = richEditControl1.DocumentLayout.GetPage(pageIndex);
//Create a HitTestManager instance:
HitTestManager hitTest = new HitTestManager(richEditControl1.DocumentLayout);
//Perform the hit test and pass the result to the RichEditHitTestResult object:
RichEditHitTestResult result = hitTest.HitTest(layoutPage, point);
if (result != null)
//Retrieve the current layout element type:
LayoutElement element = result.LayoutElement;
string text = element.Type.ToString();
//Obtain the the text character and its bounds under the mouse position
if (element.Type == LayoutType.CharacterBox)
text += String.Format(" : \"{0}\"", (element as CharacterBox).Text);
text += GetBounds(element);
if (element.Parent.Type == LayoutType.PlainTextBox)
text += String.Format("\r\nPlainTextBox : \"{0}\"", (element.Parent as PlainTextBox).Text);
text += GetBounds(element.Parent);
//Get the hovered element's bounds:
text += GetBounds(element);
//Get the element's location:
string title = GetLocation(element);
//Display all retrieved information in the tooltip:
e.Info = new ToolTipControlInfo(element.Bounds, text, title, ToolTipIconType.Information);
See Also