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XmpDocument Members

The XMP packet – an instance of the XMP data model.


Name Description
XmpDocument() Initializes a new instance of the XmpDocument class.


Name Description
Count Returns the number of elements in the XMP packet.
CustomProperties Gets properties used to define a custom schema.
DublinCoreProperties Gets properties used to define the Dublin Core namespace.
Item[XmpName] Returns a value of the XMP packet node with the given name.
Item[String] Returns a value of the XMP packet node with the given qualified name.
PdfAProperties Gets properties used to define the PDF/A namespace.
PdfProperties Gets properties used to define the Adobe PDF namespace.
RightsManagementProperties Gets properties used to define the XMP Rights Management namespace.
Values Retrieves a list of XMP document node values.
XmpProperties Gets properties used to define the XMP basic namespace.


Name Description
Add(XmpName, Boolean) Adds a node to the XMP packet.
Add(XmpName, DateTime) Adds a node to the XMP packet.
Add(XmpName, Int32) Adds a node to the XMP packet.
Add(XmpName, Single) Adds a node to the XMP packet.
Add(XmpName, String) Adds a node to the XMP packet.
Add(String, Boolean) Adds a node to the XMP packet.
Add(String, DateTime) Adds a node to the XMP packet.
Add(String, Int32) Adds a node to the XMP packet.
Add(String, Single) Adds a node to the XMP packet.
Add(String, String) Adds a node to the XMP packet.
Clear() Removes all data from the XMP packet.
ContainsKey(XmpName) Indicates whether the XMP packet contains a node with the specified name.
CreateArray(XmpName, XmpArrayType) Adds an array at the end of the packet.
CreateArray(XmpName) Adds an array at the end of the packet.
CreateArray(String, XmpArrayType) Adds an array at the end of the packet.
CreateArray(String) Adds an array at the end of the packet.
CreateSimpleValue(XmpName, String, Boolean) Adds a simple value node at the end of the packet.
CreateSimpleValue(XmpName, String) Adds a simple value node at the end of the packet.
CreateSimpleValue(String, String, Boolean) Adds a simple value node at the end of the packet.
CreateSimpleValue(String, String) Adds a simple value node at the end of the packet.
CreateStructure(XmpName) Adds a structure at the end of the packet.
CreateStructure(String) Adds a structure at the end of the packet.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
FromStream(Stream) static Creates an XmpDocument object from the specified stream.
FromString(String) static Creates an XmpDocument object from the specified string.
GetArray(XmpName) Gets an array node with the specified name.
GetArray(String) Gets an array node with the specified name.
GetBoolean(XmpName) Gets a Boolean value of a node with the specified name.
GetBoolean(String) Gets a Boolean value of a node with the specified name.
GetDate(XmpName) Gets a DateTime value of a node with the specified name.
GetDate(String) Gets a DateTime value of a node with the specified name.
GetFloat(XmpName) Gets the Single value of a node with the specified name.
GetFloat(String) Gets the Single value of a node with the specified name.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetInteger(XmpName) Gets an Int32 value of a node with the specified name.
GetInteger(String) Gets an Int32 value of a node with the specified name.
GetSimpleValue(XmpName) Gets a simple value node with the specified name.
GetSimpleValue(String) Gets a simple value node with the specified name.
GetString(XmpName) Gets the String value of a node with the specified name.
GetString(String) Gets the String value of a node with the specified name.
GetStructure(XmpName) Gets a structure node with the specified name.
GetStructure(String) Gets a structure node with the specified name.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
RegisterNamespace(String, String) Registers the namespace in the XMP packet.
Remove(XmpName) Removes the specified node from the XMP packet.
Remove(String) Removes the specified node from the XMP packet.
Serialize(Stream, XmpSerializationOptions) Serializes an XMP packet to a stream.
Serialize(Stream) Serializes an XMP packet to a stream.
ToString() Converts the XmpDocument object to a string.
ToString(XmpSerializationOptions) Converts the XmpDocument object to a string with specified serialization options.
See Also