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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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Micro QR Code

  • 2 minutes to read

A Micro QR Code is a two-dimensional code. It is a more compact version of a standard QR code: a Micro QR Code can encode up to 35 numeric characters or 21 alphanumeric characters, enough to store a product ID or a short URL. In comparison, a standard QR code can contain up to 7,089 characters.

Micro QR Codes are often used in industries such as electronics, medical devices, and retail, where space-efficient labeling is essential.


Refer to the following article for more information: Micro QR Code.

#Runtime Example

The following code snippet generates a Micro QR Code barcode and specifies its properties:

using DevExpress.BarCodes;
using DevExpress.Drawing;
using System.Diagnostics;

// Create a Micro QR Code.
BarCode barCode = new BarCode();
barCode.Symbology = Symbology.MicroQRCode;
barCode.Text = "0123-456789";
barCode.Width = 150;
barCode.Height = 150;
barCode.Options.MicroQRCode.CompactionMode = MicroQRCodeCompactionMode.AlphaNumeric;
barCode.Options.MicroQRCode.ErrorLevel = MicroQRCodeErrorLevel.L;
// Save the barcode as an image.
barCode.Save("BarCodeImage.png", DXImageFormat.Png);
// Open the image in the default viewer.
Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("BarCodeImage.png") { UseShellExecute = true }); 
See Also