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IDXPopupService Methods

Provides access to methods that show a pop-up view.
Name Description
ShowActionSheet(DXPopupSettings, String, DXPopupActionInfo[]) Shows DXPopupActionSheet. The ShowActionSheet method returns Task, which contains DialogResult, and completes when DXPopupActionSheet closes.
ShowAlert(DXPopupSettings, String, String) Shows the DXPopupDialog and returns the Task that completes when the DXPopupDialog closes.
ShowCheckBoxOptionSheet(DXPopupSettings, String, String, DXPopupOptionInfo[]) Shows DXPopupOptionSheet that contains checkboxes. The ShowCheckBoxOptionSheet method returns Task, which contains DialogResult, and completes when DXPopupOptionSheet closes.
ShowPopup<TPopupViewModel>(TPopupViewModel) Shows the custom pop-up view registered in IDXPopupService through the AddTransientDXPopup method. The ShowPopup method returns Task that completes when the pop-up view closes.
ShowPopup<TPopupViewModel>(Action<TPopupViewModel>) Shows the custom pop-up view registered in IDXPopupService through the AddTransientDXPopup method. The ShowPopup method returns Task that contains the View Model and completes when the pop-up view closes.
ShowRadioOptionSheet(DXPopupSettings, String, String, DXPopupOptionInfo[]) Shows DXPopupOptionSheet that contains radio buttons. The ShowRadioOptionSheet method returns the Task, which contains DialogResult, and completes when DXPopupOptionSheet closes.
See Also