DataGridExportLink Methods
A link used to export a DevExpress .NET MAUI DataGridView control.Name | Description |
AddSubreport(PrintingSystemBase, DocumentBand, PointF) | Adds a subreport to the specified band in the current report. Inherited from LinkBase. |
AddSubreport(PointF) | Inherited from PrintableComponentLinkBase. |
CanHandleCommand(PrintingSystemCommand, IPrintControl) | Indicates whether or not the specified Printing System command can be handled. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ClearDocument() | Removes all pages from the current document. Inherited from LinkBase. |
CreateDocument() | Creates a report using the current PrintingSystem. Inherited from LinkBase. |
CreateDocument(PrintingSystemBase) | Creates a document from the link using the specified Printing System. Inherited from LinkBase. |
Dispose() | Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from System.Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from System.Object. |
ExportToCsv(Stream, CsvExportOptions) | Exports a document to the specified stream in CSV format using the defined CSV-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToCsv(Stream) | Exports a document to the specified stream in CSV format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToCsv(String, CsvExportOptions) | Exports a document to the specified file path in CSV format using the defined CSV-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToCsv(String) | Exports a document to the specified file path in CSV format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToDocx(Stream, DocxExportOptions) | Exports a document to the specified stream in DOCX format using the defined DOCX-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToDocx(Stream) | Exports a document to the specified stream in DOCX format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToDocx(String, DocxExportOptions) | Exports a document to the specified file path in DOCX format using the specified DOCX-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToDocx(String) | Exports a document to the specified file path in DOCX format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToHtml(Stream, HtmlExportOptions) | Exports a document to the specified stream in HTML format using the defined HTML-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToHtml(Stream) | Exports a document to the specified stream in HTML format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToHtml(String, HtmlExportOptions) | Exports a document to the specified file path in HTML format using the defined HTML-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToHtml(String) | Exports a document to the specified file path in HTML format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToImage(Stream, ImageExportOptions) | Exports a document to the specified stream in Image format using the defined Image-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToImage(Stream) | Exports a document to the specified stream in Image format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToImage(String, ImageExportOptions) | Exports a document to the specified file path in Image format using the defined Image-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToImage(String) | Exports a document to the specified file path in Image format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToMht(Stream, MhtExportOptions) | Exports a document to the specified stream in MHT format using the defined MHT-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToMht(Stream) | Exports a document to the specified stream in MHT format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToMht(String, MhtExportOptions) | Exports a document to the specified file path in MHT format using the defined MHT-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToMht(String) | Exports a document to the specified file path in MHT format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToPdf(Stream, PdfExportOptions) | Exports a document to the specified stream in PDF format using the defined PDF-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToPdf(Stream) | Exports a document to the specified stream in PDF format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToPdf(String, PdfExportOptions) | Exports a document to the specified file path in PDF format using the defined PDF-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToPdf(String) | Exports a document to the specified file path in PDF format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToRtf(Stream, RtfExportOptions) | Exports a document to the specified stream in RTF format using the defined RTF-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToRtf(Stream) | Exports a document to the specified stream in RTF format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToRtf(String, RtfExportOptions) | Exports a document to the specified file path in RTF format using the defined RTF-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToRtf(String) | Exports a document to the specified file path in RTF format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToText(Stream, TextExportOptions) | Exports a document to the specified stream in Text format using the defined Text-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToText(Stream) | Exports a document to the specified stream in Text format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToText(String, TextExportOptions) | Exports a document to the specified file path in Text format using the defined Text-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToText(String) | Exports a document to the specified file path in Text format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToXls(Stream, XlsExportOptions) | Exports a report to the specified stream in XLS format using the defined XLS-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToXls(Stream) | Exports a report to the specified stream in XLS format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToXls(String, XlsExportOptions) | Exports a report to the specified file path in XLS format using the defined XLS-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToXls(String) | Exports a report to the specified file path in XLS format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToXlsx(Stream, XlsxExportOptions) | Exports a report to the specified stream in XLSX format using the defined XLSX-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToXlsx(Stream) | Exports a report to the specified stream in XLSX format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToXlsx(String, XlsxExportOptions) | Exports a report to the specified file path in XLSX format using the defined XLSX-specific options. Inherited from LinkBase. |
ExportToXlsx(String) | Exports a report to the specified file path in XLSX format. Inherited from LinkBase. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from System.Object. |
GetLifetimeService() | Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
GetService(Type) protected | Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from System.Object. |
HandleCommand(PrintingSystemCommand, Object[], IPrintControl, ref Boolean) | Handles the specified Printing System command. Inherited from LinkBase. |
InitializeLifetimeService() | Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from System.Object. |
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from System.Object. |
RestorePageHeaderFooterFromStream(Stream) | Loads a Page Header/Footer dialog’s settings from the specified stream. Inherited from LinkBase. |
RestorePageHeaderFooterFromXml(String) | Loads a Page Header/Footer dialog’s settings from the specified XML file. Inherited from LinkBase. |
SavePageHeaderFooterToStream(Stream) | Saves the Page Header/Footer dialog’s settings to the specified stream. Inherited from LinkBase. |
SavePageHeaderFooterToXml(String) | Saves the Page Header/Footer dialog’s settings to an XML file. Inherited from LinkBase. |
SetDataObject(Object) | Sets the object to be printed by this link. Inherited from PrintableComponentLinkBase. |
ToString() | Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. Inherited from Component. |
See Also