DxRibbonSpinEditItem<TValue> Members
A ribbon item that displays a spin editor.Constructors
Name | Description |
DxRibbonSpinEditItem() | Initializes a new instance of the DxRibbonSpinEditItem<TValue> class. |
Name | Description |
AdaptivePriority | Specifies the order in which ribbon items collapse when the component is resized. Inherited from DxRibbonElementBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
BeginGroup | For internal use only. Inherited from DxRibbonElementBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
CollapseInGlobalGroup | Specifies whether to collapse an item into a global drop-down menu. Inherited from DxRibbonElementBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
CssClass | Assigns a CSS class to the ribbon item. Inherited from DxRibbonElementBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
Enabled | Specifies whether an item is enabled. Inherited from DxRibbonElementBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
GroupName | For internal use only. Inherited from DxRibbonElementBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
IconCssClass | Specifies an item icon’s CSS class. Inherited from DxRibbonButtonBase<TRibbonItemRenderer, TRibbonClickEventArgs>. |
IconId | For internal use only. Inherited from DxRibbonButtonBase<TRibbonItemRenderer, TRibbonClickEventArgs>. |
IconUrl | Specifies the URL of the item’s icon. Inherited from DxRibbonButtonBase<TRibbonItemRenderer, TRibbonClickEventArgs>. |
Increment | Specifies the increment value for the spin editor ribbon item. |
Items | For internal use only. Inherited from DxRibbonItemBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
MaxValue | Specifies the maximum value that a user can enter in the spin editor item. |
MinValue | Specifies the minimum value that a user can enter in the spin editor item. |
OwnerGroup | For internal use only. Inherited from DxRibbonItemBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
OwnerItem | For internal use only. Inherited from DxRibbonItemBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
Template | Specifies the ribbon item’s template. Inherited from DxRibbonElementBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
Text | Specifies the ribbon item text. Inherited from DxRibbonElementBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
Tooltip | Specifies the item’s tooltip text. Inherited from DxRibbonElementBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
Value | Specifies the spin editor item value. |
Visible | Specifies ribbon item visibility. Inherited from DxRibbonElementBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
Width | Specifies ribbon spin editor item width. |
Name | Description |
Attach(IRibbonItem) | For internal use only. Inherited from DxRibbonItemBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
Detach(IRibbonItem) | For internal use only. Inherited from DxRibbonItemBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
Dispose() | For internal use only. Inherited from DxRibbonItemBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
Render() | For internal use only. Inherited from DxRibbonItemBase<TRibbonItemRenderer>. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object. |
Name | Description |
Click | Fires when a user clicks an item. Inherited from DxRibbonButtonBase<TRibbonItemRenderer, TRibbonClickEventArgs>. |
ValueChanged | Fires after the spin editor’s value changes. |
See Also