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DxComboBoxSettings Properties

Contains settings of an auto-generated combo box editor.
Name Description
ClearButtonDisplayMode Specifies whether an editor displays the Clear button when the editor is not empty. Inherited from DxTextEditSettings.
ColumnCellDisplayTemplate Specifies a template used to display column cells in the combo box editor.
Columns Allows you to add columns to the combo box editor.
CssClass Assign a CSS class to the editor. Inherited from DxEditSettings.
Data Specifies the object that supplies combo box data.
DisplayFormat Specifies the pattern used to format unfocused editor values. Inherited from DxButtonEditSettings.
DropDownBodyCssClass Assign a CSS class to the body of the editor’s drop-down window. Inherited from DxDropDownEditSettings.
DropDownCssClass Assign a CSS class to the editor’s drop-down window. Inherited from DxDropDownEditSettings.
DropDownDirection Specifies the direction in which the drop-down window is displayed in relation to the editor’s input element. Inherited from DxDropDownEditSettings.
DropDownWidthMode Specifies the width of the combo box editor’s drop-down list.
EditFormat Specifies the format pattern applied to the value of the focused combo box editor.
EmptyDataAreaTemplate Specifies the template used to display custom content in the combo box editor if there are no items to display.
Enabled Specifies whether an editor is enabled. Inherited from DxEditSettings.
InputCssClass Assign a CSS class to the editor’s input field. Inherited from DxButtonEditSettings.
ItemDisplayTemplate Specifies a template used to display the combo box editor items.
ItemTemplate Specifies the template used to display the combo box editor’s items.
ListRenderMode Specifies whether virtual scrolling is enabled in the combo box editor.
NullText Specifies the editor’s prompt text when the editor’s value is null. Inherited from DxTextEditSettings.
ReadOnly Specifies whether a user can change an editor’s value. Inherited from DxEditSettings.
SearchFilterCondition Specifies the search and filter condition.
SearchMode Specifies whether the component can search for text that users type in the edit box.
SearchTextParseMode Specifies how the combo box editor treats search words.
ShowDropDownButton Specifies whether the editor displays the built-in button that invokes a drop-down window. Inherited from DxDropDownEditSettings.
ShowValidationIcon Specifies whether an editor shows validation icons. Inherited from DxTextEditSettings.
TextFieldName Specifies the data source field that contains text for combo box items.
ValueFieldName Specifies the name of the data source field that contains combo box values.
See Also