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Size Modes

  • 2 minutes to read

You can apply different size modes to DevExpress Blazor components and their elements.

Blazor components - Size modes

Show Components That Support Size Modes
Control API What It Affects
Accordion SizeMode The entire control.
Button SizeMode The entire control.
Context Menu SizeMode The entire control.
Data Editors SizeMode The entire control.
DropDown SizeMode The control and its content.
DropDownBox SizeMode The control and its content.
Drawer SizeMode The control and its content.
Flyout SizeMode The control and its content.
Grid SizeMode The control and its inner components.
Form Layout SizeMode The control and its inner components.
Loading Panel SizeMode The entire control without covered content.
Menu SizeMode The entire control.
Pager SizeMode The entire control.
PDF Viewer SizeMode Toolbar.
Popup SizeMode The control and its content.
Progress Bar SizeMode The entire control.
Rich Edit GlobalOptions.SizeMode Toolbar, ribbon, dialogs, and context menu.
Scheduler InnerComponentSizeMode Toolbar, view selector, appointment form, and data editors.
Tabs SizeMode The entire control.
Toast SizeMode The control and its content.
Toolbar SizeMode The entire control.
TreeList SizeMode The control and its inner components.
TreeView SizeMode The entire control.
Wait Indicator SizeMode The entire control.
Window SizeMode The control and its content.


The code below applies different size modes to ComboBox components.

<DxComboBox Data="@Cities" NullText="Select City ..." @bind-Value="@Value" SizeMode="SizeMode.Small" />
<DxComboBox Data="@Cities" NullText="Select City ..." @bind-Value="@Value" SizeMode="SizeMode.Medium" />
<DxComboBox Data="@Cities" NullText="Select City ..." @bind-Value="@Value" SizeMode="SizeMode.Large" />

@code {
    IEnumerable<string> Cities = new List<string>() {
    string Value { get; set; }

ComboBox - Size modes

Global Size Mode Property

Use the SizeMode application-wide option to specify the size mode for DevExpress Blazor components that support size modes. Individual component settings override this option.

You can specify a size mode in the Blazor Project Wizard.

Blazor wizard - Size mode editor

The wizard adds the SizeMode global option in the Program.cs file.

builder.Services.AddDevExpressBlazor(options => {
    options.SizeMode = DevExpress.Blazor.SizeMode.Small;