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Utility Controls

DevExpress Blazor Utility controls will allow you to introduce additional capabilities to your next Blazor-powered web app.


The Button component supports nine traditional styles and has three modes to suit a wide range of cases. You can fully customize the button, disable it, use it for form submission, and supply it with common HTML tags.


Read Tutorial: Explore Features Run Demo

Loading Panel

The Blazor Loading Panel displays progress indication. The component acts either as a standalone element or a panel with child content.

Blazor Utilities Landing Loading Panel

Read Tutorial: Explore Features Run Demo


The Pager component enables page navigation.

Blazor Navigation Landing Pager

Read Tutorial: Explore Features Run Demo

Wait Indicator

The Wait Indicator component displays progress of time-consuming operations. You can embed Wait Indicator into other UI controls (for example, buttons or data editors).

Blazor Utilities Landing Wait Indicator

Read Tutorial: Explore Features Run Demo


If a Blazor application throws unexpected exceptions, refer to the following help topic: Troubleshooting.