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Member Table: Expanding and Collapsing Nodes

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Member Description
ASPxTreeView.CollapseAll Collapses all nodes in the ASPxTreeView.
ASPxTreeView.ExpandAll Expands all nodes in the ASPxTreeView.
ASPxTreeView.ExpandedChanged Fires on the server side after a node’s expansion state has been changed by end-user interaction.
ASPxTreeView.ExpandedChanging Fires before the expansion state of a node is changed by end-user interaction.
ASPxTreeView.ExpandToDepth Expands the nodes down to the specified depth.
ASPxTreeView.ExpandToNode Expands the nodes down to the specified node.
ASPxTreeView.ShowExpandButtons Gets or sets a value that specifies whether expand buttons are displayed within the ASPxTreeView.
TreeViewNode.Expanded Gets or sets whether the node is expanded.


Member Description
ASPxClientTreeView.ExpandAll Expands all nodes in the ASPxTreeView on the client side.
ASPxClientTreeView.CollapseAll Collapses all nodes in the ASPxTreeView on the client side.
ASPxClientTreeViewNode.GetExpanded Returns a value indicating whether the node is expanded.
ASPxClientTreeViewNode.SetExpanded Sets a value which specifies the node’s expansion state.
ASPxClientTreeView.ExpandedChanging Fires on the client side before the expansion state of a node is changed via end-user interaction.
ASPxClientTreeView.ExpandedChanged Fires on the client side after a node’s expansion state has been changed by end-user interaction.
TreeViewClientSideEvents.ExpandedChanging Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle a client ASPxTreeView’s ASPxClientTreeView.ExpandedChanging event.
TreeViewClientSideEvents.ExpandedChanged Gets or sets the name of the JavaScript function or the entire code which will handle a client ASPxTreeView’s ASPxClientTreeView.ExpandedChanged event.


Member Description
TreeViewImages.ExpandButton Gets settings of an image that when clicked, expands a node.
TreeViewImages.ExpandButtonRtl Gets settings of an image, a click on which expands a node, when the ASPxTreeView is used in a right-to-left layout.
TreeViewImages.CollapseButton Gets settings of an image, which when clicked, collapses a node.
TreeViewImages.CollapseButtonRtl Gets settings of an image, a click on which collapses a node, when the ASPxTreeView is used in right-to-left layout.