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.NET 6.0+

IsGrantedExtensions.CanReadByRole(SecurityStrategy, IPermissionPolicyRole, Type, String) Method

Checks whether the specified role allows reading objects of the specified type or these objects’ members.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security.v24.1.dll


public static bool CanReadByRole(
    this SecurityStrategy security,
    IPermissionPolicyRole targetRole,
    Type type,
    string memberName = null


Name Type Description
security SecurityStrategy

A SecurityStrategy object that specifies an application’s Security Strategy.

targetRole IPermissionPolicyRole

An IPermissionPolicyRole object that is a role this method checks.

type Type

A Type of objects this method checks.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Default Description
memberName String null

A String that is a name of an objects’ member this method checks. This parameter is optional.


Type Description

true, if the specified role allows reading objects of the specified type or these objects’ members; otherwise, false.


The following example shows how to use this method.

using DevExpress.ExpressApp;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Security;
using DevExpress.Persistent.Base;
using DevExpress.Persistent.BaseImpl.PermissionPolicy;
using System;
// ...
public class CheckReadPermissionController : ObjectViewController<ListView, Contact> {
    SecurityStrategy securityStrategy;
    protected override void OnActivated() {
        securityStrategy = Application.GetSecurityStrategy();
        View.CurrentObjectChanged += View_CurrentObjectChanged;
    private void View_CurrentObjectChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        foreach (IPermissionPolicyRole role in ObjectSpace.GetObjects<PermissionPolicyRole>()) {
            if (!securityStrategy.CanReadByRole(role, typeof(Department), nameof(Department.Office))) {
                // ...
See Also