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.NET 6.0+

CollectionSourceBase.ResetCollection(Boolean) Method

Recreates a Collection Source’s CollectionSourceBase.Collection.

Namespace: DevExpress.ExpressApp

Assembly: DevExpress.ExpressApp.v24.1.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.ExpressApp


public void ResetCollection(
    bool updateObjectsInCriteria = false

Optional Parameters

Name Type Default Description
updateObjectsInCriteria Boolean False

true, if criteria contain a reference to an object that should be reloaded; otherwise - false.


This method clears the Collection Source’s collection, disposes of the resources allocated by the collection and recreates it. The ResetCollection method raises two events - CollectionSourceBase.CollectionChanging and CollectionSourceBase.CollectionChanged. Handle them to be notified when a collection is recreated.

Generally you do not need to call this method, it is called automatically by XAF in certain situations. For instance, when a Detail View contains a nested List View and the Detail View’s ViewItem.CurrentObject changes, XAF calls this method to recreate the nested List View’s Collection Source’s collection.

See Also