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How to: Customize Font Settings for Specific Items

The following example highlights the hovered bar item with bold font.

  1. Create two fonts with different font styles - Bold and Regular.
  2. Handle the BarManager.HighlightedLinkChanged event. Use e.Link and e.PrevLink parameters to switch fonts.

LinkFont - OwnFont

using DevExpress.XtraBars; 

namespace Highlight-Hovered-BarItem {
  public partial class Form1 : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm {
    Font boldFont;
    Font regularFont;
    public Form1() {
      boldFont = new Font(barManager1.GetController().AppearancesBar.ItemsFont, FontStyle.Bold);
      regularFont = new Font(barManager1.GetController().AppearancesBar.ItemsFont, FontStyle.Regular);
      barManager1.HighlightedLinkChanged += BarManager1_HighlightedLinkChanged;

    private void BarManager1_HighlightedLinkChanged(object sender, HighlightedLinkChangedEventArgs e) {
      if (e.PrevLink != null && e.PrevLink.Bar == barBrowser)
      if (e.Link != null && e.Link.Bar == barBrowser)