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Member Table: Popup Menu

Below is the list of the primary members which can be used to manage context (popup) menus in the XtraScheduler suite.

Public Properties

Name Description
PopupMenuShowingEventArgs.Menu Gets or sets the popup (context) menu for which this event was raised. Use this property to change the popup menu or its items before it’s created.

Public Methods

Name Description
SchedulerPopupMenu.GetMenuItemById Gets a menu item by its ID value. Also, optionally recursively searches for this menu item in all submenus, if it isn’t found in the main popup menu.
SchedulerPopupMenu.GetPopupMenuById Gets a popup menu (a menu item which contains a submenu) by its ID value within the specified popup menu. Also, optionally recursively searches for this popup menu in all submenus, if it isn’t found in the main popup menu.
SchedulerPopupMenu.GetMenuCheckItemById Gets the menu check item within the specified popup (context) menu by its ID value. Also optionally recursively searches for this check item in all submenus, if it isn’t found in the main popup menu.

Public Events

Name Description
SchedulerControl.PopupMenuShowing Occurs before a context (popup) menu is created for a Scheduler every time a context menu is invoked.