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Member Table: Recurrence

  • 2 minutes to read

Below is the list of the primary members which can be used to implement and manage recurrent appointments in the XtraScheduler suite.

Public Properties

Name Description
SchedulerControl.SupportsRecurrence Gets whether the information on recurring appointments is obtained from a data source.
AppointmentMappingInfo.RecurrenceInfo Gets or sets the name of the data field to which an appointment’s Appointment.RecurrenceInfo property is bound.
Appointment.IsRecurring Gets a value indicating if the appointment is recurring.
Appointment.RecurrencePattern Gets the pattern appointment object which is the parent of the current appointment. If the current appointment is standalone, the RecurrencePattern property returns null (Nothing is Visual Basic).
Appointment.RecurrenceInfo Gets an object that contains information about reoccurrences of the appointment.
AppointmentDisplayOptions.ShowRecurrence Specifies whether the recurrence AppointmentImageType.Recurrence symbol should be displayed for the recurrent appointment.

Public Methods

Name Description
Appointment.GetOccurrence Gets an occurrence at a specific position within a chain of recurring appointments.
Appointment.CreateException Creates an exceptional appointment within a chain of recurring appointments.
Appointment.RestoreOccurrence Replaces an exceptional appointment with the regular occurrence in the chain of recurring appointments.
AppointmentCollection.CalcPatternInterval Returns the time interval in which the occurrences of the specified pattern appointment take place.
SchedulerControl.CreateNewRecurringAppointment Creates a new recurring appointment, shows it in the Edit Appointment dialog, and then adds it to the SchedulerStorage.Appointments collection of the control’s storage.
SchedulerControl.CreateNewRecurringEvent Creates a new recurring All-Day appointment, displays it in the Edit Appointment dialog, and then adds it to the SchedulerStorage.Appointments collection of the control’s storage.

Public Events

Name Description
RecurrenceControlBase.RecurrenceInfoChanged Fires when an end user changes the information on a recurrence control.