Design-Time Features
Articles in this section are dedicated to Gauge design-time features, from creating gauges and accessing individual gauge elements to using built-in tools that apply specific gauge presets and styles.
Working with Gauges at Design Time
Topics in this section describe main design-time features, provided by the GaugeControl component. You will learn how to create multiple different gauges within one Gauge Control, add or remove individual gauge elements, use the auto-layout feature etc.
Presets and Styles
You can instantly create a fully customized gauge by using embedded presets and styles. Presets affect the entire GaugeControl. Applying a preset clears your current gauge layout and creates a single gauge with the desired appearance. Styles in turn are applied to individual gauges and can be used when you have multiple gauges within a Gauge Control.
Gauge Designer
The Gauge designer is an integrated visual editing tool, providing you with the ability to quickly and easily customize gauges. It contains all necessary instruments for editing gauges and its elements, such as Label and Range editors.