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How to: Manually Generate Pie Chart Items

  • 3 minutes to read

The following example illustrates how to manually add a MapPie object to the Map control.

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraMap;

namespace MapPieItem {
    public partial class Form1 : Form {
        public Form1() {

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            // Create a layer to show vector items.
            VectorItemsLayer itemsLayer = new VectorItemsLayer() {
                Data = CreateData(),
                Colorizer = CreateColorizer()

            // Show a color legend.
            mapControl1.Legends.Add(new ColorListLegend() { Layer = itemsLayer });

        // Create a storage to provide data for the vector layer.
        private IMapDataAdapter CreateData() {
            MapItemStorage storage = new MapItemStorage();

            // Create a pie with several segments.
            MapPie pie = new MapPie();
            pie.Size = 200;
            pie.Segments.Add(new PieSegment() { Argument = "A", Value = 100 });
            pie.Segments.Add(new PieSegment() { Argument = "B", Value = 50 });
            pie.Segments.Add(new PieSegment() { Argument = "C", Value = 120 });

            return storage;

        // Create a colorizer to provide colors for bubble items.    
        private MapColorizer CreateColorizer() {
            KeyColorColorizer colorizer = new KeyColorColorizer();

            // Add colors to the colorizer.

            colorizer.Keys.Add(new ColorizerKeyItem() { Key = "A", Name = "Category A" });
            colorizer.Keys.Add(new ColorizerKeyItem() { Key = "B", Name = "Category B" });
            colorizer.Keys.Add(new ColorizerKeyItem() { Key = "C", Name = "Category C" });

            // Load color indexes from bubbles via the 'Color' attribute
            colorizer.ItemKeyProvider = new ArgumentItemKeyProvider();

            return colorizer;
