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DelegateConverterFactory.CreateValueConverter Method

Name Parameters Description
CreateValueConverter(Func<Object, Object>, Func<Object, Object>) static convert, convertBack Creates an instance of object that implements the IValueConverter interface.
CreateValueConverter(Func<Object, Type, Object, CultureInfo, Object>, Func<Object, Type, Object, CultureInfo, Object>) static convert, convertBack Creates an instance of an object that implements the IValueConverter interface.
CreateValueConverter<TIn, TOut>(Func<TIn, TOut>, Func<TOut, TIn>) static convert, convertBack Creates an instance of an object that implements the IValueConverter interface.
CreateValueConverter<TIn, TOut>(Func<TIn, Object, CultureInfo, TOut>, Func<TOut, Object, CultureInfo, TIn>) static convert, convertBack Creates an instance of an object that implements the IValueConverter interface.