TcxTreeListCustomReportLink.OnCustomDrawIndentCell Event
Enables custom painting of the TreeList control node indent within the report.
property OnCustomDrawIndentCell: TcxTreeListReportLinkCustomDrawIndentCellEvent read; write;
To implement custom painting of the TreeList control node indent within the report you should use the report link OnCustomDrawCell event and enable custom painting via the SupportedCustomDraw property. Set it to True to enable custom painting and to False to disable it.
To implement custom painting you will need a canvas to paint to (provided by ACanvas parameter) and painting information provided by the AnItem parameter. Optionally you can access the owning report link properties and methods via the Sender parameter and the TreeList node whose indent is being painted via the ANode parameter.
To prevent default drawing of the node indent set the ADone parameter to True. By default this parameter is False and default drawing is enabled.