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TdxGridReportLink.OnCustomDrawFooterCell Event

Occurs when the footer panel for a cell in the report is going to be drawn.


property OnCustomDrawFooterCell: TdxGridReportLinkCustomDrawFooterCellEvent read; write;


Handle the OnCustomDrawFooterCell event handler to perform custom drawing of a cell within the footer panel of a report.

Parameter Description
Sender Represents the report link that renders the report
ACanvas A TCanvas instance for drawing the footer cell on the report.
AView The view that contains the data being printed.
ARecord The grid record being printed.
AColumn The column being printed.
ALevel Identifies the nesting level of the grouping row for which the footer cell is being painted.
AnItem Specifies the properties of the printed cell.
ADone Determines whether custom drawing has finished and that default painting is not required.

Custom drawing can be disabled by setting the SupportedCustomDraw property to False. This will improve application performance slightly as resources don’t have to be created to support custom draw handlers.


To implement custom drawing of the footer panel, make sure that the footer panel exists and isn’t empty; otherwise, custom drawing will not be performed.

See Also