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TdxPDFViewerOptionsThumbnails.Visible Property

Specifies whether the Thumbnails page’s tab is displayed on the PDF Viewer control’s Navigation pane.


property Visible; default bDefault;

Property Value

Type Default
TdxDefaultBoolean bDefault


Use this property to toggle the Thumbnails page tab’s visibility within the Navigation pane, thus enabling or disabling the end-user capability to navigate between document pages by clicking their thumbnails. Options include:

Value Description
bFalse The Thumbnails page’s tab is always hidden.
bTrue The Thumbnails page’s tab is always visible.
bDefault This option has the same effect as bTrue.


If the PDF Viewer control’s OptionsNavigationPane.Visible property is set to False, the Thumbnails page is unavailable to end-users regardless of the Visible property value.

The Visible property’s default value is bDefault.

See Also