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TdxNavBarCustomItems Methods

A collection of items in a NavBar control.
Name Description
Add Adds a new item to the end of the collection, and returns a reference to this item.
Add(TcxComponentCollectionItemClass) Creates a new TcxComponentCollectionItem instance and appends it to the collection. Inherited from TcxComponentCollection.
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginUpdate Acquires a lock on the collection. Inherited from TcxComponentCollection.
Clear Deletes all the TcxComponentCollectionItem instances from the collection and destroys them. Inherited from TcxComponentCollection.
CustomSort(TcxComponentCollectionSortCompareFunc) Inherited from TcxComponentCollection.
Delete(Integer) Removes the specified TcxComponentCollectionItem instance from the collection and destroys it. Inherited from TcxComponentCollection.
EndUpdate(Boolean) Releases a lock and updates the collection. Inherited from TcxComponentCollection.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
FindItemByID(Integer) Returns a reference to a collection element, by its unique identifier. Inherited from TcxComponentCollection.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
IndexOf(TcxComponentCollectionItem) Returns the zero-based index of a specified item within the collection. Inherited from TcxComponentCollection.
InitiateActions protected Inherited from TdxNavBarComponentCollection.
Insert(Integer) Creates a new TcxComponentCollectionItem instance and inserts it into the collection at the position specified by the zero-based AIndex parameter. Inherited from TcxComponentCollection.
ItemByCaption(string) Searches the collection for an item with the specified caption.
ItemByName(string) Returns a collection item by its name. Inherited from TdxNavBarComponentCollection.
Remove(TcxComponentCollectionItem) Removes a specified item from the collection. Inherited from TcxComponentCollection.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
Update(TcxComponentCollectionItem,TcxComponentCollectionNotification) protected Updates a collection to reflect any changes made. Inherited from TcxComponentCollection.
See Also