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TcxValueType.Caption Method

Returns the value type’s name.


class function Caption: string; virtual;


Type Description

The value type’s name. The Caption function returns different names for different TcxValueType descendants.


You can assign the caption of a TcxValueType class descendant to the TdxStorageItemCustomDataBinding.ValueType property to select the corresponding value type. The following table lists all value type classes and the corresponding captions:

ValueType[1] Value ValueTypeClass[2] Value TFieldType[3] Value Description
'String' TcxStringValueType ftString Unicode string values.
'WideString' TcxWideStringValueType ftWideString Wide string values.
'Smallint' TcxSmallintValueType ftSmallint 16-bit signed integer values.
'Integer' TcxIntegerValueType ftInteger 32-bit signed integer values.
'Word' TcxWordValueType ftWord 16-bit unsigned integer values.
'Boolean' TcxBooleanValueType ftBoolean Boolean values.
'Single' TcxSingleValueType ftSingle Single precision floating-point values.
'Float' TcxFloatValueType ftFloat Double precision floating-point values.
'Currency' TcxCurrencyValueType ftCurrency Monetary values.
'DateTime' TcxDateTimeValueType ftDateTime Date and time values.
'LargeInt' TcxLargeIntValueType ftLargeInt 64-bit signed integer values.
'FMTBcd' TcxFMTBcdValueType ftFMTBcd Binary-encoded decimal values that can be converted to Currency without a loss of precision.
'SQLTimeStamp' TcxSQLTimeStampValueType ftTimeStamp[4] High-precision date and time values.
'Variant' TcxVariantValueType ftVariant Values of any type.
'BLOB'[5] TcxBLOBValueType fsBlob BLOBs (Binary Large OBjects) as values. BLOB values are most often used for storing files in a database.
'Object'[6] TcxObjectValueType ftObject Values that store non-visual objects (TObject descendant instances) with arbitrary data for an unbound editor or Data Grid item.
  1. The ValueType property setter updates the ValueTypeClass property according to the assigned value.

  2. The ValueTypeClass property setter updates the ValueType property according to the assigned value.

  3. This column lists the corresponding TFieldType values.

  4. 'SQLTimeStamp' also corresponds to the TSQLTimeStamp type.

  5. Use this value type with those controls and editors that support BLOB.

  6. Use this type only in custom or inherited components because DevExpress and standard VCL components have no information on actual content of such values.

See Also