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Items Editor

  • 2 minutes to read

The ExpressQuantumTreeList control provides a design-time Items Editor, which allows you to do the following within unbound TreeList controls:

To invoke the Items Editor, click the Items editor… item in the control’s context menu.

The following table lists all the UI elements available within the Items Editor, along with descriptions of their purpose.



TreeList control

Used as a pattern for the resulting TreeList control. Initially, it represents a copy of the control at the moment the Items Editor is invoked. You can edit data cell values and customize the layout as needed.

New Item

Adds a node at the nesting level of the focused node. If no node is focused, a root level node is created.

New SubItem

Adds a child node to the focused node. If no node is focused, a root level node is created.


Removes the currently focused node.

Image Indexes section

Editors within the Current column allow you to specify the ImageIndex, SelectedIndex, StateIndex, OverlayIndex, and OverlayStateIndex properties for the focused node. Editors within the Default column allow you to specify the default values of these properties for all new nodes created within the Items Editor.

Check Group Type Combo Box

Allows you to assign the CheckGroupType property for the parent of the focused node.

This combo box is enabled only if the TreeList control’s OptionsView.CheckGroups property is set to True .

Enabled Check Box

Allows you to assign the Enabled property for the focused node.

This check box is enabled only if the TreeList control’s OptionsView.CheckGroups property is set to True.


Invokes the customization form. You can use this form to customize the tree list’s layout.


Applies all pending changes to the tree list’s data and layout and closes the Items Editor.


Discards all pending changes to the tree list and closes the Items Editor.

The tree list’s context menu provides the same functionality as the New Item, New SubItem, Delete, and Customize buttons.

See Also