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The ExpressQuantumTreeList allows end-users to combine columns into bands. A band represents a logical group that can contain any number of related columns.

All the end-user operations with a band can be carried out using its header.

For more information regarding band functionality, please refer to the following topics:

The table below lists the main properties that relate to bands.


A band’s Visible property.


The TreeList control’s Styles.BandBackground, Styles.BandContent and Styles.BandHeader properties, or a band’s Styles property.

To dynamically customize these style settings, handle the TreeList control’s Styles.OnGetBandBackgroundStyle, Styles.OnGetBandContentStyle, and Styles.OnGetBandHeaderStyle events.

Custom Draw Event

The TreeList control’s OnCustomDrawBandCell and OnCustomDrawBandHeaderCell events.


A band’s Caption, ChildBands, and Columns properties.


The TreeList control’s OptionsCustomizing.BandCustomizing, OptionsCustomizing.BandHiding, OptionsCustomizing.BandHorzSizing, OptionsCustomizing.BandMoving, OptionsCustomizing.BandsQuickCustomization, OptionsCustomizing.BandVertSizing, and OptionsCustomizing.NestedBands properties.

A band’s Options, FixedKind, and Expandable properties.

HitTest Information

The TreeList control’s HitTest.HitAtBand property.

See Also