Built-in Functions: Compatibility
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This category lists all functions that have been replaced with new versions to provide better accuracy and functionality in Microsoft Excel® 2010 or later versions. The ExpressSpreadSheet formula engine registers these function tokens to maintain backward compatibility with old spreadsheet applications and be able to load and save formula expressions that use these functions.
No. | Function | Implemented | XLS Token | Parameters | Syntax | Description |
1. |
BETADIST | Yes | 270 | Three mandatory parameters:
Two optional parameters:
| =BETADIST | Returns the cumulative beta probability density function. The beta distribution is useful to study variation of a specific indicator (as a percentage) across samples. The BETADIST function calculates the standard cumulative beta distribution (that is, considers that the evaluated function X value is within the range between 0 and 1) if you omit its optional parameters (A and B). Note that the BETAINV function performs the reverse operation. The BETADIST function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if any parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. BETADIST is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the BETA. |
2. |
BETAINV | Yes | 272 | Three mandatory parameters:
Two optional parameters:
| =BETAINV | Returns the inverse of the cumulative beta probability density function for the specified beta distribution probability. The BETAINV function calculates the source value from the specified probability, considering that the cumulative beta distribution is standard if you omit the optional parameters (A and B). Note that the BETADIST function performs the reverse operation. The BETAINV function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if any parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. BETADIST is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the BETA. |
3. |
BINOMDIST | Yes | 273 | Four mandatory parameters:
| =BINOMDIST | Returns the individual term binominal distribution probability. You can use this function to evaluate a fixed number of independent trials that can result only in success or failure, provided that the probability of success does not change throughout the experiment. Pass TRUE or FALSE as the Cumulative parameter to switch between the cumulative distribution and probability mass function calculation modes. For example, the “=BINOMDIST The BINOMDIST function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if the Number BINOMDIST is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the BINOM. |
4. |
CHIDIST | Yes | 274 | Two mandatory parameters:
| =CHIDIST | Returns the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. You can use this function to calculate the variation of a certain indicator across the experimental data. Note that the CHIINV function performs the reverse operation. The CHIDIST function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if either parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. CHIDIST is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the CHISQ. |
5. |
CHIINV | Yes | 275 | Two mandatory parameters:
| =CHIINV | Iteratively calculates the inverse of the right-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. Note that the CHIDIST function performs the reverse operation. The CHIINV function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if either parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. If the function has failed to calculate a result after 100 iterations, it returns the #N/A error code instead. CHIINV is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the CHISQ. |
6. |
CHITEST | No | 306 | Two mandatory parameters:
| =CHITEST | Returns the test for independence as the value from the chi-squared distribution for the statistic and the appropriate degrees of freedom. You can use this function to identify if the specified hypothetic results are verified by an experiment. If the cell ranges passed as the Actual CHITEST is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the CHISQ. |
7. |
COVAR | Yes | 308 | Mandatory parameters: the two same-sized arrays of integer values passed as the Array1 and Array2 parameters. The function can accept parameters as the arrays of integers, cell ranges that store numeric values and/or defined names that refer to the arrays of integers or store them as constants. | =COVAR | Calculates the average of the products of deviations (that is, covariance) for each pair of values in the specified arrays of integers. You can use this function to identify the relationship between two sets of values. The COVAR function ignores text, logical values or empty cells within the specified arrays. If there is a different number of numeric values in the arrays or one of them is empty, the function returns the #N/A or #DIV/0! error code, respectively. COVAR is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the COVARIANCE. |
8. |
CRITBINOM | No | 278 | Three mandatory parameters:
| =CRITBINOM | Calculates the lowest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is equal to or greater than a specific value. The CRITBINOM function returns the #NUM! error code if either of the accepted parameters is not within the valid range. CRITBINOM is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the BINOM. |
9. |
EXPONDIST | Yes | 280 | Three mandatory parameters:
| =EXPONDIST | Returns the exponential distribution. This function is useful if you need to evaluate the process duration probabilities. Pass TRUE or FALSE as the Cumulative parameter to switch between the cumulative distribution and probability density function calculation modes. The EXPONDIST function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if any parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. EXPONDIST is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the EXPON. |
10. |
FDIST | No | 281 | Three mandatory parameters:
The both numbers of degrees of freedom must be less than 10^10. | =FDIST | Returns the right-tailed F probability distribution. This function is useful if you need to identify if two data sets have different degrees of diversity. Note that the FINV function performs the reverse operation. The FDIST function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if any parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. FDIST is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the F. |
11. |
FINV | No | 282 | Three mandatory parameters:
The both numbers of degrees of freedom must be less than 10^10. | =FINV | Returns the inverse of the right-tailed F probability distribution. You can use the calculated result in an F-test to compare the degree of variability in two data sets. Note that the FDIST function performs the reverse operation. The FINV function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if any parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. FINV is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the F. |
12. |
FTEST | No | 310 | Mandatory parameters: the two arrays of numeric values passed as the Array1 and Array2 parameters. The function can accept parameters as the arrays of numbers, cell ranges that store numeric values and/or defined names that refer to the arrays of numbers or store them as constants. | =FTEST | Performs an F-test for two specified sets (arrays) of numeric values, returning the two-tailed probability that the variances in both arrays are similar. The FTEST function returns the #DIV/0! error code if either of the specified arrays contains less than 2 numbers or has a zero variance. FTEST is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the F. |
13. |
GAMMADIST | Yes | 286 | Four mandatory parameters:
| =GAMMADIST | Returns the gamma distribution. You can use this function to study a series of numbers that may have a skewed distribution. The gamma distribution is commonly used in queuing analysis. Pass TRUE or FALSE as the Cumulative parameter to switch between the cumulative distribution and probability density function calculation modes. The following Alpha and Beta parameter values correspond to special cases of the gamma distribution:
Note that the GAMMAINV function performs the reverse operation. The GAMMADIST function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if any parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. GAMMADIST is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the GAMMA. |
14. |
GAMMAINV | Yes | 287 | Three mandatory parameters:
| =GAMMAINV | Iteratively calculates the inverse of the gamma cumulative distribution. The gamma distribution is useful to study values that have a skewed distribution. Note that the GAMMADIST function performs the reverse operation. The GAMMAINV function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if any parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. If the function has failed to calculate a result after 100 iterations, it returns the #N/A error code. GAMMAINV is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the GAMMA. |
15. |
HYPGEOMDIST | Yes | 289 | Four mandatory parameters:
| =HYPGEOMDIST | Returns the hypergeometric distribution, that is, the probability of a specified number of sample successes at a specific sample size, number of population successes, and population size. You can use this function to solve problems with a finite population where each trial or observation can result either in a success or failure, provided that each subset of a specified size is picked with equal probability. The HYPGEOMDIST function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if any parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. HYPGEOMDIST is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the HYPGEOM. |
16. |
LOGINV | No | 291 | Three mandatory parameters:
| =LOGINV | Calculates the inverse of the lognormal cumulative distribution. Note that the LOGNORMDIST function performs the reverse operation. The LOGINV function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if any parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. LOGINV is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the LOGNORM. |
17. |
LOGNORMDIST | No | 290 | Three mandatory parameters:
| =LOGNORMDIST | Returns the cumulative lognormal distribution. Note that the LOGINV function performs the reverse operation. The LOGNORMDIST function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if any parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. LOGNORMDIST is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the LOGNORM. |
18. |
MODE | No | 330 | One mandatory parameter: A numeric value passed as the Number1 parameters. Up to 254 optional numeric parameters. The function can accept parameters as the arrays of numbers, cell ranges that store numeric values and/or defined names that refer to the arrays of numbers or store them as constants. | =MODE | Calculates the mode of a group of numbers, that is, returns the most frequently occurring (repetitive) value among all specified numeric values. For example, the “=MODE The MODE function returns the #N/A error code if there are no duplicating numbers among the specified parameter values. All text, logical values, and empty cells are ignored. MODE is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the MODE. |
19. |
NEGBINOMDIST | No | 292 | Three mandatory parameters:
| =NEGBINOMDIST | Returns the negative binominal distribution, that is, the probability that there is a specific number of failures prior achieving a threshold number of successful trials at the constant probability of a success. This function is similar to the binominal distribution. The NEGBINOMDIST function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if any parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. NEGBINOMDIST is a deprecated function. If you not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the NEGBINOM. To localize the NEGBINOMDIST function’s name and short description, use the sfn |
20. |
NORMDIST | Yes | 293 | Four mandatory parameters:
| =NORMDIST | Returns the normal distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation. This function is widely used in statistics, including hypothesis testing. Pass TRUE or FALSE as the Cumulative parameter to switch between the cumulative distribution and probability mass function calculation modes. Note that the NORMINV function performs the reverse operation. The NORMDIST function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if the X, Mean, or Standard NORMDIST is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the NORM. |
21. |
NORMINV | Yes | 295 | Three mandatory parameters:
| =NORMINV | Iteratively calculates the inverse of the normal distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation. If 0 and 1 are passed as the Mean and Standard Note that the NORMDIST function performs the reverse operation. The NORMINV function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if any parameter value is not numeric or the Probability or Standard NORMINV is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the NORM. |
22. |
NORMSDIST | Yes | 294 | The only mandatory parameter is X that accepts a value of the evaluated function (a position on the X-axis for which the NORMSDIST function calculates the standard normal distribution). | =NORMSDIST | Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution function. The standard distribution’s arithmetic mean and standard deviation are 0 and 1, respectively. Note that the NORMSINV function performs the reverse operation. The NORMSDIST function returns the #VALUE! error code if the parameter value is not numeric. NORMSDIST is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the NORM. |
23. |
NORMSINV | Yes | 296 | The only mandatory parameter is Probability. A value of the probability corresponding to the standard normal distribution must be within the range between 0 and 1, inclusive. | =NORMSINV | Iteratively calculates the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution. The standard distribution’s arithmetic mean and standard deviation are 0 and 1, respectively. Note that the NORMSDIST function performs the reverse operation. The NORMSINV function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if the parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. If the function has failed to calculate a result after 100 iterations, it returns the #N/A error code instead. NORMSINV is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the NORM. |
24. |
PERCENTILE | Yes | 328 | Two mandatory parameters:
| =PERCENTILE | Returns the K-th percentile of values in an array of numbers. You can use this function to establish a threshold of acceptance. For example, the K = 0. The PERCENTILE function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if the K parameter is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. PERCENTILE is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the PERCENTILE. |
25. |
PERCENTRANK | No | 329 | Two mandatory parameters:
The optional Significance parameter that allows you to set the required number of significant digits in the calculated result. | =PERCENTRANK | Returns the percentage rank of the specified value in an array of numbers. You can use this function to evaluate the value’s relative standing within a series of numbers. If the specified value does not match any value within the array, the PERCENTRANK function returns the interpolated percentage rank. The PERCENTRANK function returns the #NUM! error code if the specified array is empty or the optional Significance parameter’s value is less than 1. PERCENTRANK is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the PERCENTRANK. |
26. |
POISSON | Yes | 300 | Three mandatory parameters:
| =POISSON | Returns the Poisson distribution that is often used to predict the number of events occurring over a specific time. Pass TRUE or FALSE as the Cumulative parameter to switch between the cumulative Poisson distribution and Poisson probability mass function calculation modes. The POISSON function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if the X or Mean parameter value is not numeric or negative. POISSON is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the POISSON. |
27. |
QUARTILE | Yes | 327 | Two mandatory parameters:
| =QUARTILE | Returns the quartile of a series of numeric values. Like PERCENTILE, the QUARTILE function is useful to establish the threshold of acceptance. Use the Quart parameter to select the required quartile calculation mode: Quart = 0. The function returns the minimum value from the source array. Alternatively, you can use the MIN function. Quart = 1. The function returns the first quartile (that is, the 25th percentile, or the same result that the “=PERCENTILE Quart = 2. The function returns the median value of the source series of numbers (that is, the 50th percentile, or the same result that the “=PERCENTILE Quart = 3. The function returns the third quartile (that is, the 75th percentile, or the same result that the “=PERCENTILE Quart = 4. The function returns the maximum value from the source array. Alternatively, you can use the MAX function. The QUARTILE function returns the #NUM! error code if the source array is empty or the Quart parameter value is not within the valid range. QUARTILE is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the QUARTILE. |
28. |
RANK | Yes | 216 | Two mandatory parameters:
The optional Order parameter that you can use to change the default ranking (or sort) order. The function calculates the rank for the specified number as if the source array is sorted in descending order if 0 is passed as the Order parameter or it is omitted. Otherwise, the sort order is opposite. | =RANK | Returns the rank of a specified number in a series of values. The rank is a magnitude of a numeric value in relation to all other values in the source array. This rank matches the value’s number in the sorted array. Note that the RANK function returns the same rank for duplicate numbers. RANK is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the RANK. |
29. |
STDEV | Yes | 12 | The only mandatory parameter is Number1 that accepts a sample of a population. Optionally, you can provide up to 254 additional samples. The function can accept samples of a population as the arrays of numbers, cell ranges that store numeric values, and/or defined names that refer to the arrays of numbers or store them as constants. | =STDEV | Estimates the standard deviation based on the specified array of numeric values (a sample of the population). The standard deviation indicates how widely values within a series of numbers disperse from the average value (that is, the mean). Use this function to evaluate a sample of the population. To evaluate the entire population, use the STDEVP function instead. Note that the STDEV function ignores non-numeric values and empty cells within the source array. STDEV is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the STDEV. |
30. |
STDEVP | Yes | 193 | The only mandatory parameter is Number1 that accepts a population. Optionally, you can provide up to 254 additional populations. The function can accept populations as the arrays of numbers, cell ranges that store numeric values, and/or defined names that refer to the arrays of numbers or store them as constants. | =STDEVP | Calculates the standard deviation based on the entire population specified as an array of numeric values. The standard deviation indicates how widely values within a series of numbers disperse from the average value (that is, the mean). Use the STDEV function to evaluate a sample of the population. Note that the STDEVP and STDEV functions return similar results for a large series of numeric values. If you need to include logical values and text representations of numeric values into the calculation of the standard deviation, use the STDEVPA function. STDEVP is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the STDEV. |
31. |
TDIST | Yes | 301 | Three mandatory parameters:
The function automatically truncates the fractional part of numeric values passed as the Deg | =TDIST | Returns the Percentage Points (that is, the probability) for the Student T-distribution. The T-distribution is used in the hypothesis testing of small sample data sets. You can use this function instead of a table of critical values for the T-distribution. Pass 1 or 2 as the Tails parameter to switch between the one- and two-tailed T-distribution calculation modes: Tails = 1. The TDIST function calculates the probability as TDIST = P(X > x), where X is a random variable that follows the T-distribution. Tails = 2. The function calculates the probability as TDIST = P(|X| > x) = P(X > x or X < -x). The TDIST function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if any parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. TDIST is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the T. |
32. |
TINV | Yes | 332 | Two mandatory parameters:
| =TINV | Iteratively calculates the two-tailed inverse of the Student’s T-distribution. Note that the TDIST function whose Tails parameter is 2 performs the reverse operation. The TINV function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if any parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. If the function has failed to calculate a result after 100 iterations, it returns the #N/A error code instead. TINV is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the T. |
33. |
TTEST | No | 316 | Four mandatory parameters:
The function automatically truncates the fractional part of numeric values passed as the Tails and Type parameters. | =TTEST | Returns the probability associated with a Student’s T-test. Pass 1 or 2 as the Tails parameter to switch between the one- and two-tailed T-distribution modes: Tails = 1. The TTEST function returns the probability of a higher value of the T-statistic, considering that the source arrays store samples from populations with the same mean. Tails = 2. The function calculates the probability of a higher absolute value of the T-statistic, considering that the source arrays store samples from populations with the same mean. Pass 1, 2, or 3 as the Type parameter to switch between the available tests: Type = 1. A paired T-test. The source arrays of numeric values must be identical in size. Type = 2. A two-sample equal variance (homoscedastic) T-test. Type = 3. A two-sample unequal variance (heteroscedatic) T-test. The TTEST function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if the Tails or Type parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. If the source arrays are not identical in size, TTEST returns the #N/A error code in the paired T-test mode (that is, if Type = 1). TTEST is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the T. |
34. |
VAR | Yes | 46 | The only mandatory parameter is Number1 that accepts a sample of a population. Optionally, you can provide up to 254 additional samples. The function can accept samples as the arrays of numbers, cell ranges that store numeric values, and/or defined names that refer to the arrays of numbers or store them as constants. | =VAR | Estimates variance based on the specified array of numeric values (a sample of the population). Use this function to evaluate a sample of the population. To evaluate the entire population, use the VARP function instead. Note that the VAR function ignores non-numeric values and empty cells within the source array. If you need to include logical values and text representations of numeric values into the calculation, use the VARA function instead. VAR is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the VAR. |
35. |
VARP | Yes | 194 | The only mandatory parameter is Number1 that accepts a population. Optionally, you can provide up to 254 additional populations. The function can accept populations as the arrays of numbers, cell ranges that store numeric values, and/or defined names that refer to the arrays of numbers or store them as constants. | =VARP | Calculates variance based on the entire population specified as an array of numeric values. Note that the VARP function ignores non-numeric values and empty cells within the source array. If you need to include logical values and text representations of numeric values into the calculation, use the VARPA function instead. VARP is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the VAR. |
36. |
WEIBULL | Yes | 302 | Four mandatory parameters:
| =WEIBULL | Returns the Weibull distribution used in reliability analysis. You can use this function to calculate a device’s MBTF (mean time between failures). Pass TRUE or FALSE as the Cumulative parameter to switch between the Weibull cumulative distribution and probability density function calculation modes. The WEIBULL function returns the exponential distribution if 1 is passed as the Alpha parameter. The WEIBULL function returns the #VALUE! or #NUM! error code if the X, Alpha, or Beta parameter value is not numeric or not within the valid range, respectively. WEIBULL is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the WEIBULL. |
37. |
ZTEST | No | 324 | Two mandatory parameters:
The optional Sigma parameter that specifies the population’s known standard deviation. The ZTEST function uses the sample standard deviation if Sigma is omitted. | =ZTEST | Returns the one-tailed probability associated with a Z-test, that is the probability that the sample mean is greater than the average of all numeric values in the source array. The ZTEST function returns the #N/A error code if the source array is empty. ZTEST is a deprecated function. If you do not need compatibility with old spreadsheet documents and applications, use the Z. |