Using provider mode: Base class structure
- 2 minutes to read
The following topics describe how to implement a custom data source providing price list records to display within a grid:
Base class structure
In the example, the grid control is populated with data from the TPriceList object, which supports the collection of TListEntry elements. TListEntry elements are displayed as records in our grid control. Every grid column presents data from a specific TListEntry field. The TUserDataSource class provides the grid with data from TPriceList.
#1. Base class structure
Three main types are defined:
- TListEntry represents a single record in the list. Every record contains the Description, OnHand, and Price fields, which will be displayed within three grid columns.
PListEntry = ^TListEntry;
TListEntry = packed record
Description: string;
OnHand: Integer;
Price: Currency;
- TPriceList is the list of TListEntry records.
TPriceList = class
FRecords: TList;
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
procedure Add(ADescription: string; AOnHand: Integer;
APrice: Currency);
procedure Clear;
- TUserDataSource implements a custom data source for your grid control by deriving methods of the TcxCustomDataSource class.
TUserDataSource = class(TcxCustomDataSource)
FPriceList: TPriceList;
function GetDataBinding(AItemIndex: Integer):
function GetInfoForCompare(ARecordHandle: TcxDataRecordHandle;
AItemHandle: TcxDataItemHandle; var PValueBuffer: PChar):
Boolean; override;
function GetItemHandle(AItemIndex: Integer): TcxDataItemHandle;
function GetRecordCount: Integer; override;
function GetValue(ARecordHandle: TcxDataRecordHandle;AItemHandle:
TcxDataItemHandle): Variant; override;
function IsNativeCompare: Boolean; override;
constructor Create(APriceList: TPriceList);
In the next section the TPriceList class implementation is outlined.
See Also