Using the BuildPageSetupMenu method with the ExpressBars menu system
Drop a TdxPrintStyleManager component on a form.
The ExpressBars Suite is used as your Menu/Toolbar system, if Advanced is assigned to the PreviewDialogStyle property of the currently active engine controller or dxPSEngine global object. This topic demonstrates how to populate a TdxBarPopupMenu with print styles available via the Print Preview dialog’s File | Page Setup sub menu.
Assign the following code to the OnChangeCurrentStyle event handler (bliPrintStyles is a TdxBarListItem object):
dxBarManager1: TdxBarManager;
dxBarPopupMenu1: TdxBarPopupMenu;
procedure TMyForm.dxPrintStyleManager1ChangeCurrentStyle(Sender: TObject)
bliPrintStyles.ItemIndex := dxPrintStyleManager1.CurrentStyleIndex;
Assign the following code to the OnStyleListChanged event handler (bbDefinePrintStyles is a TdxBarButton object):