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HtmlDocumentImporterOptions Properties

Contains options used for loading (importing) the HTML document.
Name Description
AsyncImageLoading Gets or sets whether images are loaded synchronously or asynchronously when importing an HTML document.
AutoDetectEncoding Gets or sets whether to enable the auto-detection of the loaded text encoding.
Encoding Gets or sets the encoding used to interpret characters in the document.
FontScalingDpiValue Gets or sets the DPI value that will be used to scale fonts on high DPI settings.
IgnoreFloatProperty Specifies whether or not to ignore the “float” setting of HTML elements in the imported document.
IgnoreMediaQueries Gets or sets whether to ignore media rules on HTML import.
IgnoreMetaCharset Gets or sets whether the character encoding specified in the META element should be ignored.
ImageScalingDpi Gets or sets the DPI value used to scale images on high DPI settings.
ReplaceSpaceWithNonBreakingSpaceInsidePre Specifies whether or not to replace all white space characters inside the “pre” tag with non-breaking spaces.
SourceUri Gets or sets the base URI for the external content of the document. Inherited from DocumentImporterOptions.
UpdateField Overrides the corresponding property of the base class to hide it. Has no effect for HTML import.
See Also