HtmlEditCommands Properties
Contains commands of HtmlEdit.Name | Description |
BindingContext |
Gets or sets an object that contains the properties that will be targeted by the bound properties that belong to this BindableObject. This is a bindable property. Inherited from BindableObject. |
DecreaseFontSize | Gets the command that decreases font size of the selected/typed text text. |
DecreaseIndent | Gets the command that decreases indent of the selected/under caret text. |
DeleteTable | Gets the command that removes the table that is under the caret. |
DeleteTableColumn | Gets the command that removes the table column that is under the caret. |
DeleteTableRow | Gets the command that removes the table row that is under the caret. |
Dispatcher |
Gets the dispatcher that was available when this bindable object was created, otherwise tries to find the nearest available dispatcher (probably the window’s/app’s). Inherited from BindableObject. |
HideKeyboard | Hides the device keyboard and displays the SafeKeyboardAreaView panel. |
IncreaseFontSize | Gets the command that increases font size of the selected/typed text text. |
IncreaseIndent | Gets the command that increases indent of the selected/under caret text. |
InsertTable | Gets the command that displays the insert table dialog. |
InsertTableColumnLeft | Gets the command that inserts the table column to the left of the caret position. |
InsertTableColumnRight | Gets the command that inserts the table column to the right of the caret position. |
InsertTableRowAbove | Gets the command that inserts the table column to the above the caret position. |
InsertTableRowBelow | Gets the command that inserts the table column below the caret position. |
Redo | Gets the command that reapplies the last action that was undone in the HtmlEdit control. |
SetBackgroundColor | Gets the command that sets the background color of the selected/typed text text. |
SetForegroundColor | Gets the command that sets the foreground color of the selected/typed text text. |
SetHeadingLevel | Gets the command that sets the selected/under caret text’s heading level to the specified value. |
SetLineHeight | Gets the command that sets the selected/under caret text line height value. |
ToggleBold | Gets the command that toggles the selected/typed text text’s bold emphasis. |
ToggleBulletList | Gets the command that toggles the selected/under caret text’s between bullet list and regular text. |
ToggleCenterAlignment | Gets the command that toggles the selected/under caret text’s alignment to center. |
ToggleItalic | Gets the command that toggles the selected/typed text text’s italic emphasis. |
ToggleJustifyAlignment | Gets the command that toggles the selected/under caret text’s alignment to fit it along the left and right margins. |
ToggleLeftAlignment | Gets the command that toggles the selected/under caret text’s alignment to left. |
ToggleOrderedList | Gets the command that toggles the selected/under caret text’s between ordered list and regular text. |
ToggleRightAlignment | Gets the command that toggles the selected/under caret text’s alignment to right. |
ToggleStrikethrough | Gets the command that toggles the selected/typed text text’s strikethrough emphasis. |
ToggleUnderline | Gets the command that toggles the selected/typed text text’s underline emphasis. |
Undo | Gets the command that cancels changes resulting from the last operation. |
See Also