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HtmlEditCommands Properties

Contains commands of HtmlEdit.
Name Description

Gets or sets an object that contains the properties that will be targeted by the bound properties that belong to this BindableObject. This is a bindable property.

Inherited from BindableObject.
DecreaseFontSize Gets the command that decreases font size of the selected/typed text text.
DecreaseIndent Gets the command that decreases indent of the selected/under caret text.
DeleteTable Gets the command that removes the table that is under the caret.
DeleteTableColumn Gets the command that removes the table column that is under the caret.
DeleteTableRow Gets the command that removes the table row that is under the caret.

Gets the dispatcher that was available when this bindable object was created, otherwise tries to find the nearest available dispatcher (probably the window’s/app’s).

Inherited from BindableObject.
HideKeyboard Hides the device keyboard and displays the SafeKeyboardAreaView panel.
IncreaseFontSize Gets the command that increases font size of the selected/typed text text.
IncreaseIndent Gets the command that increases indent of the selected/under caret text.
InsertTable Gets the command that displays the insert table dialog.
InsertTableColumnLeft Gets the command that inserts the table column to the left of the caret position.
InsertTableColumnRight Gets the command that inserts the table column to the right of the caret position.
InsertTableRowAbove Gets the command that inserts the table column to the above the caret position.
InsertTableRowBelow Gets the command that inserts the table column below the caret position.
Redo Gets the command that reapplies the last action that was undone in the HtmlEdit control.
SetBackgroundColor Gets the command that sets the background color of the selected/typed text text.
SetForegroundColor Gets the command that sets the foreground color of the selected/typed text text.
SetHeadingLevel Gets the command that sets the selected/under caret text’s heading level to the specified value.
SetLineHeight Gets the command that sets the selected/under caret text line height value.
ToggleBold Gets the command that toggles the selected/typed text text’s bold emphasis.
ToggleBulletList Gets the command that toggles the selected/under caret text’s between bullet list and regular text.
ToggleCenterAlignment Gets the command that toggles the selected/under caret text’s alignment to center.
ToggleItalic Gets the command that toggles the selected/typed text text’s italic emphasis.
ToggleJustifyAlignment Gets the command that toggles the selected/under caret text’s alignment to fit it along the left and right margins.
ToggleLeftAlignment Gets the command that toggles the selected/under caret text’s alignment to left.
ToggleOrderedList Gets the command that toggles the selected/under caret text’s between ordered list and regular text.
ToggleRightAlignment Gets the command that toggles the selected/under caret text’s alignment to right.
ToggleStrikethrough Gets the command that toggles the selected/typed text text’s strikethrough emphasis.
ToggleUnderline Gets the command that toggles the selected/typed text text’s underline emphasis.
Undo Gets the command that cancels changes resulting from the last operation.
See Also