RadialScale Fields
A circular scale within the Radial Gauge control.Name | Description |
AutomationIdProperty static | Bindable property for AutomationId. Inherited from Element. |
BindingContextProperty static | Bindable property for BindingContext. Inherited from BindableObject. |
ClassIdProperty static | Bindable property for ClassId. Inherited from Element. |
EndValueProperty static | Identifies the EndValue bindable property. |
FillProperty static | Identifies the Fill bindable property. |
MajorTickmarkColorProperty static | Identifies the MajorTickmarkColor bindable property. |
MajorTickmarkCountProperty static | Identifies the MajorTickmarkCount bindable property. |
MajorTickmarkLengthProperty static | Identifies the MajorTickmarkLength bindable property. |
MajorTickmarkOffsetProperty static | Identifies the MajorTickmarkOffset bindable property. |
MajorTickmarkPositionProperty static | Identifies the MajorTickmarkPosition bindable property. |
MajorTickmarkThicknessProperty static | Identifies the MajorTickmarkThickness bindable property. |
MinorTickmarkColorProperty static | Identifies the MinorTickmarkColor bindable property. |
MinorTickmarkCountProperty static | Identifies the MinorTickmarkCount bindable property. |
MinorTickmarkLengthProperty static | Identifies the MinorTickmarkLength bindable property. |
MinorTickmarkOffsetProperty static | Identifies the MinorTickmarkOffset bindable property. |
MinorTickmarkPositionProperty static | Identifies the MinorTickmarkPosition bindable property. |
MinorTickmarkThicknessProperty static | Identifies the MinorTickmarkThickness bindable property. |
OffsetProperty static | Identifies the Offset bindable property. |
ShowFirstTickmarkProperty static | Identifies the ShowFirstTickmark bindable property. |
ShowLastTickmarkProperty static | Identifies the ShowLastTickmark bindable property. |
ShowTickmarkLabelsProperty static | Identifies the ShowTickmarkLabels bindable property. |
StartAngleProperty static | Identifies the StartAngle bindable property. |
StartValueProperty static | Identifies the StartValue bindable property. |
StrokeCapProperty static | Identifies the StrokeCap bindable property. |
StyleProperty static | Identifies the Style bindable property. Inherited from DXElementBase. |
SweepAngleProperty static | Identifies the SweepAngle bindable property. |
ThicknessProperty static | Identifies the Thickness bindable property. |
TickmarkLabelColorProperty static | Identifies the TickmarkLabelColor bindable property. |
TickmarkLabelFontAttributesProperty static | Identifies the TickmarkLabelFontAttributes bindable property. |
TickmarkLabelFontFamilyProperty static | Identifies the TickmarkLabelFontFamily bindable property. |
TickmarkLabelFontSizeProperty static | Identifies the TickmarkLabelFontSize bindable property. |
TickmarkLabelFormatProperty static | Identifies the TickmarkLabelFormat bindable property. |
TickmarkLabelOffsetProperty static | Identifies the TickmarkLabelOffset bindable property. |
TickmarkLabelPositionProperty static | Identifies the TickmarkLabelPosition bindable property. |
See Also