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Customize Chip Appearance

  • 5 minutes to read

DevExpress chip controls for .NET MAUI ship with a wide variety of appearance settings you can use to customize chips in different states. Four states are available for chips: normal, selected, pressed, or disabled (the chip IsEnabled property is set to false).

DevExpress Chips for .NET MAUI - Chip states

Customize Text

This section lists options that specify chip text and configure text appearance:

Add Text

Specifies text caption for a standalone chip control (Chip).
Specifies a data member that stores text for chips in chip groups (ChoiceChipGroup, FilterChipGroup, and InputChipGroup).

Specify Text Color in Different States

Chip.TextColor | ChipGroup.ChipTextColor
Specify the chip text color.
Chip.DisabledTextColor | ChipGroup.ChipDisabledTextColor
Define the text color for chips in the disabled state.
Chip.SelectedTextColor | SelectableChipGroup.ChipSelectedTextColor
Define the text color for chips in the selected state. Note InputChipGroup does not support this option.
Chip.SelectedDisabledTextColor | SelectableChipGroup.ChipSelectedDisabledTextColor
Specify the text color for chips that are selected and disabled. Note InputChipGroup does not support this option.
Chip.PressedTextColor | ChipGroup.ChipPressedTextColor
Specify the text color for chips in the pressed state.

Specify Font Settings

Chip.FontFamily | ChipGroup.ChipFontFamily
Allow you to set the font family for chips.
Chip.FontSize | ChipGroup.ChipFontSize
Allow you to set the font size for chips.
Chip.FontAttributes | ChipGroup.ChipFontAttributes
Allow you to set the font attributes for chips.

Customize Icons

A chip can display the following icons:

  • Chip Icon – an icon that, along with text, illustrates the purpose of the chip.
  • Check Icon – an icon displayed when a chip is selected (usually, a check mark).
  • Remove Icon – an icon that allows a user to remove a chip (usually, a cross mark).

DevExpress Chips for .NET MAUI

Add an Icon to a Chip

Specifies an icon for a standalone chip control (Chip).
Specifies a data member that stores icons for chips in chip groups (ChoiceChipGroup, FilterChipGroup, and InputChipGroup).
Chip.IconIndent | ChipGroup.ChipIconIndent
Specify the gap between the chip icon and text.
Chip.IconSize | ChipGroup.ChipIconSize
Specify the icon size.
Chip.RoundedIcon | ChipGroup.ChipRoundedIcon
Specify to round off icon corners.
Chip.IsIconVisible | ChipGroup.ChipIsIconVisible
Specify whether to show the chip icon.

Specify Icon Color in Different States

Chip.IconColor | ChipGroup.ChipIconColor
Specify the icon color.
Chip.DisabledIconColor | ChipGroup.ChipDisabledIconColor
Define the icon color in the disabled state.
Chip.SelectedIconColor | SelectableChipGroup.ChipSelectedIconColor
Specify the icon color in the selected state.
Chip.SelectedDisabledIconColor | SelectableChipGroup.ChipSelectedDisabledIconColor
Specify the icon color for chips that are selected and disabled. Note InputChipGroup does not support this option.
Chip.PressedIconColor | ChipGroup.ChipPressedIconColor
Specify the icon color in the pressed state.

Customize the Check Icon

Chip.CheckIcon | ChipGroup.ChipCheckIcon
Specify the check icon’s image source.
Specifies whether to show the check icon in a chip.
Chip.CheckIconColor | ChipGroup.ChipCheckIconColor
Define the check icon color.
Chip.DisabledCheckIconColor | ChipGroup.ChipDisabledCheckIconColor
Specify the check icon color in the disabled state.
Chip.PressedCheckIconColor | ChipGroup.ChipPressedCheckIconColor
Specify the check icon color in the pressed state.

Customize the Remove Icon

Chip.RemoveIcon | ChipGroup.ChipRemoveIcon
Specify the remove icon’s image source.
Specifies whether to show the remove icon in standalone chips.
Chip.RemoveIconColor | ChipGroup.ChipRemoveIconColor
Define the remove icon color.
Chip.DisabledRemoveIconColor | ChipGroup.ChipDisabledRemoveIconColor
Specify the remove icon color in the disabled state.
Chip.SelectedRemoveIconColor | SelectableChipGroup.ChipSelectedRemoveIconColor
Specify the remove icon color in the selected state. Note InputChipGroup does not support this option.
Chip.PressedRemoveIconColor | ChipGroup.ChipPressedRemoveIconColor
Specify the remove icon color in the pressed state.
Chip.SelectedDisabledRemoveIconColor | SelectableChipGroup.ChipSelectedDisabledRemoveIconColor
Specify the remove icon color for chips that are selected and disabled. Note InputChipGroup does not support this option.

Customize Background

Chip.BackgroundColor | ChipGroup.BackgroundColor
Specify the color that fills chip background.
Chip.DisabledBackgroundColor | ChipGroup.ChipDisabledBackgroundColor
Specify the color that fills chip background in the disabled state.
Chip.SelectedBackgroundColor | SelectableChipGroup.ChipSelectedBackgroundColor
Specify the color that fills chip background in the selected state. Note InputChipGroup does not support this option.
Chip.PressedBackgroundColor | ChipGroup.ChipPressedBackgroundColor
Specify the color that fills chip background in the pressed state.

Customize Borders

Chip.BorderColor | ChipGroup.ChipBorderColor
Specify the chip outline color.
Chip.DisabledBorderColor | ChipGroup.ChipDisabledBorderColor
Specify the chip outline color in the disabled state.
Chip.SelectedBorderColor | SelectableChipGroup.ChipSelectedBorderColor
Specify the chip outline color in the selected state. Note InputChipGroup does not support this option.
Chip.PressedBorderColor | ChipGroup.ChipPressedBorderColor
Specify the chip outline color in the pressed state.
Chip.BorderThickness | ChipGroup.ChipBorderThickness
Specify the chip outline thickness.
Chip.CornerRadius | ChipGroup.CornerRadius
Define the corner radius for chips.

Specify Offsets

Chip.Padding | ChipGroup.Padding
Specify the gap between the chip border and chip content.
Chip.Margin | ChipGroup.Margin
Define the offset between the chip and other visual controls.

Enable Animation

You can show ripple effects over chips when users select and unselect chips. To do so, use the following options:

Specifies whether to enable ripple effects for the chip.
Specifies whether to enable ripple effects for chips in the chip group.

Specify Fill Mode in Chip Groups

In chip groups, specify the ChipGroup.BoxMode property to specify whether chips are filled or outlined:

BoxMode = “Outlined”
DevExpress Chips for .NET MAUI - BoxMode - Outlined
BoxMode = “Filled”
DevExpress Chips for .NET MAUI - BoxMode - Filled

Apply a Template to Chip Content

You can create a template that configures the appearance of chip content, and then use the following properties to assign it to chips:

Specifies a content template for standalone chips.
Specifies a content template for chips in chip groups.
See Also