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DxRichEdit Members

A Microsoft Word-inspired rich text editor with comprehensive text formatting options, mail merge support, and a rich collection of user options.


Name Description
DxRichEdit() Initializes a new instance of the DxRichEdit class.


Name Description
ActiveRibbonTabIndex Specifies the active ribbon tab’s index.
AdditionalItems Allows you to add custom items to the editor’s context menu.
Attributes Specifies a collection of standard HTML attributes applied to the RichEdit.
AutoSaveTimeout Specifies the timeout for the auto-save feature.
BarMode Specifies how the Rich Text Editor displays its command bar.
CheckSpelling Specifies whether to check spelling in the Rich Text Editor.
ContextMenuEnabled Specifies whether context menu functionality is enabled.
CssClass Assigns a CSS class to the component. Inherited from DxComponent.
DocumentAPI Provides access to the document’s common and the main sub-document‘s functionalities.
DocumentContent Specifies an open document’s content.
DocumentCulture Specifies the name of an open document’s culture for the spell check feature.
DocumentFormat Specifies the format in which the DocumentContent property stores content of an open document.
DocumentName Specifies the name of the downloaded file.
HorizontalRulerVisible Specifies whether the horizontal ruler is visible.
HyperlinkSettings Allows you to access hyperlink settings.
Id Specifies the component’s unique identifier. Inherited from DxComponent.
MailMergeSettings Allows you to access mail merge settings.
Modified Specifies whether the open document has unsaved changes.
ReadOnly Specifies whether users can edit a document.
RibbonVisible Obsolete. Specifies whether the ribbon is visible.
Selection Provides access to the Rich Text Editor’s selection.
ViewType Specifies a document view layout type.


Name Description
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
ExportDocumentAsync(DocumentFormat, CancellationToken) Exports the document to a byte array in a specified format.
ExportDocumentAsync(Stream, DocumentFormat, CancellationToken) Exports the document to a stream in a specified format.
ExportDocumentAsync(String, DocumentFormat, CancellationToken) Exports the document to a file in a specified format.
FocusAsync(CancellationToken) Sets input focus to the Rich Text Editor.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
LoadDocumentAsync(IBrowserFile, CancellationToken) Loads a document from a file.
LoadDocumentAsync(Byte[], DocumentFormat, CancellationToken) Loads a document in the specified format from a byte array.
LoadDocumentAsync(Stream, DocumentFormat, CancellationToken) Loads a document in the specified format from a stream.
LoadDocumentAsync(Stream, CancellationToken) Loads a document from a stream.
LoadDocumentAsync(String, DocumentFormat, CancellationToken) Loads a document in the specified format from a file.
LoadDocumentAsync(String, CancellationToken) Loads a document from the file.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
NewDocumentAsync(CancellationToken) Creates and opens a new document.
PrintDocumentAsync(CancellationToken) Renders the document’s markup in a blank browser tab and invokes the browser’s Print dialog.
RedoAsync(CancellationToken) Reapplies the last action.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
SaveDocumentAsync(CancellationToken) Raises the DocumentContentChanged event.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
UndoAsync(CancellationToken) Cancels the last action.


Name Description
ActiveRibbonTabIndexChanged Fires after the active ribbon tab is changed.
BarItemExceptionRaised Allows you to handle exceptions that occur after a user interacts with an item in the menu bar.
BarModeChanged Fires when the BarMode property value changes.
CalculateDocumentVariable Fires when a DOCVARIABLE field is updated and allows you to specify the field result.
ContentInserted Occurs after content was inserted in the Rich Text Editor’s document.
ContentRemoved Occurs after content was removed from the Rich Text Editor’s document.
CustomizeContextMenu Allows you to customize the context menu in the Rich Text Editor.
CustomizeRibbon Allows you to customize the Rich Text Editor’s ribbon.
CustomizeToolbar Allows you to customize the Rich Text Editor’s toolbar.
DocumentContentChanged Allows you to save document content changes.
DocumentContentChanging Allows you to notify users that the Rich Text Editor starts saving.
DocumentLoaded Fires after a document is loaded.
GotFocus Fires after the Rich Text Editor receives focus.
HorizontalRulerVisibleChanged Fires when the HorizontalRulerVisible property value changes.
LostFocus Fires after the Rich Text Editor loses focus.
ModifiedChanged Allows you to track unsaved document changes.
ReadOnlyChanged Fires after the ReadOnly property value changes.
RibbonVisibleChanged Obsolete. Fires after the ribbon visibility is changed.
SelectionChanged Fires after the selection is changed.
ViewTypeChanged Fires after the document view type is changed.
See Also