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DxRichEdit Properties

A Microsoft Word-inspired rich text editor with comprehensive text formatting options, mail merge support, and a rich collection of user options.
Name Description
ActiveRibbonTabIndex Specifies the active ribbon tab’s index.
AdditionalItems Allows you to add custom items to the editor’s context menu.
Attributes Specifies a collection of standard HTML attributes applied to the RichEdit.
AutoSaveTimeout Specifies the timeout for the auto-save feature.
BarMode Specifies how the Rich Text Editor displays its command bar.
CheckSpelling Specifies whether to check spelling in the Rich Text Editor.
ContextMenuEnabled Specifies whether context menu functionality is enabled.
CssClass Assigns a CSS class to the component. Inherited from DxComponent.
DocumentAPI Provides access to the document’s common and the main sub-document‘s functionalities.
DocumentContent Specifies an open document’s content.
DocumentCulture Specifies the name of an open document’s culture for the spell check feature.
DocumentFormat Specifies the format in which the DocumentContent property stores content of an open document.
DocumentName Specifies the name of the downloaded file.
HorizontalRulerVisible Specifies whether the horizontal ruler is visible.
HyperlinkSettings Allows you to access hyperlink settings.
Id Specifies the component’s unique identifier. Inherited from DxComponent.
MailMergeSettings Allows you to access mail merge settings.
Modified Specifies whether the open document has unsaved changes.
ReadOnly Specifies whether users can edit a document.
RibbonVisible Obsolete. Specifies whether the ribbon is visible.
Selection Provides access to the Rich Text Editor’s selection.
ViewType Specifies a document view layout type.
See Also