Search Box in Blazor Grid
- 7 minutes to read
Set the ShowSearchBox property to true
to display the search box in the Grid component.
Once a user enters text into the box, the Grid looks for matches in the display text of every visible column. The search is case-insensitive. The component filters data to show only the rows with matching values. Data cells highlight the search results.
<DxGrid Data="Data" ShowSearchBox="true">
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="ContactName"/>
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="City"/>
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="Country"/>
If you use templates for data cells, the default mechanism does not apply highlighting to template content. You can use the template’s HighlightedDisplayText property to obtain the cell’s display text with highlighted search text.
You can customize the following search box settings:
- SearchBoxInputDelay
- Specifies the time interval between the last typed character in the search box and the consequent search text update.
- SearchBoxNullText
- Specifies the prompt text displayed in the search box when it is empty.
Users can press Ctrl+F to focus the search box.
#Search Text in Code
Use the SearchText property to specify the search text in code. This property is in effect even if the search box is not visible. You can handle the SearchTextChanged event to respond to search text changes. The event is handled automatically when you use two-way data binding for the SearchText property (@bind-SearchText
The following code snippet uses the SearchText property to implement an external search editor for the Grid.
<div class="d-flex py-2">
<DxTextBox @bind-Text="SearchText" />
<DxButton Text="Apply" Click="() => GridSearchText = SearchText" CssClass="mx-2" />
<DxGrid Data="Data" SearchText="@GridSearchText">
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="CompanyName" />
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="ContactName" />
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="City" />
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="Country" />
@code {
object Data { get; set; }
string SearchText { get; set; }
string GridSearchText { get; set; }
#Exclude Specific Columns from Search Operations
The Grid component seeks the search text in every visible column’s cells. Set a column’s SearchEnabled property to false
to exclude a specific column from search operations.
<DxGrid Data="Data" ShowSearchBox="true" SearchBoxNullText="Search for a company...">
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="CompanyName" />
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="ContactName" SearchEnabled="false"/>
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="City" SearchEnabled="false"/>
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="Country" SearchEnabled="false"/>
#Search Text Parse Mode
If a search text contains multiple words separated by space characters, the words can be treated as a single condition or individual conditions. Set the SearchTextParseMode property to one of the following values to specify how the Grid component treats search words.
The search words are treated as individual conditions grouped by the
logical operator. Only records that match all of the conditions are shown.Search Text Filter Condition Result anna canada
finds every Anna
, andHanna
that are fromCanada
The search words are treated as individual conditions grouped by the
logical operator. Records that match at least one of these conditions are shown.Search Text Filter Condition Result anna canada
finds every Anna
, andHanna
, and every person fromCanada
The search words are not treated separately. Only records that match the search text exactly are shown.
Search Text Filter Condition Result anna canada
anna canada
finds every Anna Canada
andHanna Canada
#Search Syntax
The search text can include special characters that allow users to create composite criteria. These characters are not in effect in the ExactMatch
parse mode.
#Group Operator for an Individual Criterion
parse mode, precede a criterion with the plus sign to use the AND operator for this criterion. Other criteria are combined by the OR operator.Search Text Sample Description Result Samples maria anna +anders
contains either maria
, and must containanders
Maria Anderson
,Annabelle Anders
?criterion1 ?criterion2
parse mode, precede criteria with the question mark to group them by the OR logical operator. Other criteria are combined by the AND operator.Search Text Sample Description Result Samples ?maria ?anna anders
contains either maria
, and must containanders
Maria Anderson
,Annabelle Anders
#Specify a Column for a Criterion
The Grid component seeks the search text in every visible data column if the column’s SearchEnabled property is set to true
Precede a search string with the column’s caption plus a colon character to search against a specific column.
You can use the initial characters of the caption to search against the first column whose caption starts with the specified substring. To search against a column whose caption contains space characters, specify the column’s display caption in quotation marks.
Search Text Sample Description Result Samples cont:maria
contains maria
in a column whose caption starts withcont
,Maria Anders
"contact name":maria
contains maria
in a column whose caption starts withcontact name
,Maria Anders
If the specified column is not found, the Grid seeks the search text in every visible data column.
#Criterion With Spaces
"word1 word2"
To search for a string that contains a space character, specify this string in quotation marks. Additionally, you can use the quotation mark to specify a column whose caption contains space characters.
Search Text Sample Description Result Samples "maria anders"
contains maria anders
Maria Anders
"contact name":maria
contains maria
in a column whose caption starts withcontact name
,Maria Anders
#Logical Not
Precede a criterion with the minus sign to exclude records that match this criterion from the result.
Search Text Sample Description Result Samples maria -anders
contains maria
but notanders
Maria Lopes
#Comparison Operators
The Grid component uses the Contains
operator to build search criteria. You can specify the following comparison operators for individual criterion.
- Precede a criterion with the caret sign to display records that start with the specified criterion.
Precede a criterion with the equals sign to display records that are equal to the specified criterion.
Search Text Sample Description Result Samples ^anna
starts with anna
Annabelle Anders
equal to ana
#Wildcard Masks
Precede a condition with the tilde sign to use the following wildcard masks in a criterion.
- The
symbol - substitutes zero or more characters. - The
symbol - substitutes a single character.
Search Text Sample Description Result Samples ~an%o
starts with an
and ends witho
Ana Trujillo
starts with any symbol (s) and ends with any
starts with any symbol, then ran
, and ends with any symbol(s) Francisco Chang
- The
#Search Box Position
The Grid displays the search box on the right side of the top panel.
If the group panel is visible, it is displayed on the left side of the same panel.
When the Grid has a small width, the search box is displayed above the group panel.
#Customize Search Box Appearance
Handle the CustomizeElement event to customize the search box appearance. Compare the event argument’s e.ElementType property with the GridElementType.SearchBoxContainer
value to determine whether the processed element is the search box.
<DxGrid Data="Data"
CustomizeElement="Grid_CustomizeElement" >
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="ContactName" />
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="CompanyName" />
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="City" />
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="Country" />
@code {
void Grid_CustomizeElement(GridCustomizeElementEventArgs e) {
if(e.ElementType == GridElementType.SearchBoxContainer) {
e.Style = "Width: 100%";
// ...
#Custom Search Box Editor
Use the SearchBoxTemplate property to implement custom content for the search box. The template accepts a GridSearchBoxTemplateContext object as the context
parameter. You can use the parameter’s SearchText property to access the search text.
The following code snippet uses the DxSpinEdit<T> component to search for numbers in the Grid.
<DxGrid Data="Products" ShowSearchBox="true">
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="ProductName" />
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="CategoryId" Caption="Category" />
<DxGridDataColumn FieldName="UnitPrice" DisplayFormat="c" />
<DxSpinEdit Value="GetSpinEditValue(context.SearchText)"
ValueChanged="(int? v) => context.SearchText = v.ToString()"
ClearButtonDisplayMode="DataEditorClearButtonDisplayMode.Auto" />
@code {
int? GetSpinEditValue(string searchText) {
return null;
return Convert.ToInt32(searchText);
The Grid component does not support search by display text when you use a Server Mode data source or GridDevExtremeDataSource. When you use these data sources, the Grid searches and filters data by cell values.