Blazor Grid Examples
- 2 minutes to read
The DevExpress Blazor Grid ships with GitHub feature-based examples.
#Data Binding
- Bind the Grid to a DataTable object
- Bind the Grid to Data with Entity Framework Core
- Bind the Grid to an Instant Feedback Data Source and Enable Edit Operations
- Bind the Grid to a DevExtreme Data Source with Entity Framework Core
- Bind the Grid to a Web API service
- Create a Foreign Key (ComboBox) Column
- Create and Edit Unbound Columns
- Server Mode Data Processing
#Edit Data
- Disable Row Editing Depending on Row Values
- Enable Batch Data Editing with Entity Framework Core
- Inline Editing
- Edit a Row on a Separate Page
- Create a Custom Record Deletion Confirmation Dialog
- Display a Confirmation Dialog when Users Start Editing Another Row without Saving Changes
- Post Changes to an In-Memory Data Source
- Implement Cascading Combo Boxes
#Validate Data
- Delete Selected Rows
- Disable Selection Checkboxes in Specific Rows
- Select and Deselect All Rows in a Group
#Master-Detail View
#Filter Data
- Implement Filter Operator Selector
- Use the DxTagBox Control as a Filter for a Column with Multiple Values
- Implement a Date Range Filter
#Sort Data
#Manage Layout
- Save and Load Layout Information
- Save and Load Extended Information about the Grid Layout
- Set Predefined Settings for the Specific Component
- Use a Dictionary to Configure the Component State
#Use External Components to Manage Data
- Show the Context Menu
- Show Detail Information in DxFormLayout
- Implement CRUD-Related Buttons in Toolbar
- Use DxUpload Component to Upload Images to the Grid
- Customize Export Settings
- Export the Grid’s Data to DOCX, XLSX, and PDF Documents in a Blazor Server Application Using the DevExpress Reporting Tool
- Export the Grid’s Data to DOCX, XLSX, and PDF Documents in a Blazor WebAssembly Application Using the DevExpress Reporting Tool