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TreeListStyles Properties
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Provides the style settings used to paint the visual elements displayed within the ASPxTreeList.
Name Description
AlternatingNode Gets the style settings used to paint alternating nodes.
BatchEditCell Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a tree list edit cell in batch edit mode.
BatchEditDeletedNode Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a tree list node when it is modified in batch edit mode.
BatchEditModifiedCell Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a tree list data cell when it is modified in batch edit mode.
BatchEditNewNode Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a tree list node newly created in batch edit mode.
Cell Gets the style settings used to paint data cells.
CommandButton Gets the style settings used to paint command buttons.
CommandCell Gets the style settings used to paint command column cells.
CssFilePath Gets or sets the path to a CSS file that defines the web control’s appearance. Inherited from StylesBase.
CssPostfix Gets or sets a CSS class name postfix that identifies style settings to be applied to the control. Inherited from StylesBase.
CustomizationWindow Gets the style settings used to paint the Customization Window.
CustomizationWindowCloseButton Gets the style settings used to paint the Customization Window‘s Close button.
CustomizationWindowContent Gets the style settings used to paint the Customization Window‘s content.
CustomizationWindowHeader Gets the style settings used to paint the Customization Window‘s header.
EditForm Gets the style settings used to paint the Edit Form.
EditFormColumnCaption Gets the style settings used to paint the edit cell captions within the Edit Form.
EditFormDisplayNode Get the style settings used to paint the node currently being edited.
EditFormEditCell Gets the style settings used to paint edit cells displayed within the Edit Form.
EnableDefaultAppearance Obsolete. Specifies whether to enable the control’s default appearance. Inherited from StylesBase.
Error Gets the style settings used to paint the Error Node.
FilterBar Gets the style settings used to paint the filter bar.
FilterBarCheckBoxCell Gets the style settings used to paint the filter bar‘s cell which displays the check box.
FilterBarClearButtonCell Gets the style settings used to paint the Filter Bar‘s cell which displays the Clear button.
FilterBarExpressionCell Gets the style settings used to paint the Filter Bar‘s cell which displays the current filter expression.
FilterBarImageCell Gets the style settings used to paint the filter bar‘s cell which displays the filter image.
FilterBarLink Gets the style settings used to paint links (filter expression, clear filter command) displayed within the filter bar.
FilterCell Gets the style settings used to paint cells within the Filter Row.
FilterRow Gets the style settings used to paint the Filter Row.
FilterRowMenu Gets the style settings used to paint the filter row menu.
FilterRowMenuItem Gets the style settings used to paint the filter row menu items.
FocusedCell Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a focused data cell.
FocusedNode Gets the style settings used to paint the currently focused node.
Footer Gets the style settings used to paint footer cells.
FooterCell Gets the style settings used to paint footer cells.
GroupFooter Gets the style settings used to paint group footers.
GroupFooterCell Gets the style settings used to paint group footer cells.
Header Gets the style settings used to paint column headers.
HeaderFilterItem Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the Header Filter items.
Indent Gets the style settings used to paint indents.
IndentWithButton Gets the style settings used to paint indents that contain expand buttons.
InlineEditCell Gets the style settings used to paint in-line edit node cells.
InlineEditNode Gets the style settings used to paint the In-Line Edit Node.
LoadingDiv Gets the style settings used to paint a rectangle displayed above the ASPxTreeList while waiting for a callback response.
LoadingPanel Provides style settings for a loading panel that can be displayed while waiting for a callback response.
Node Gets the style settings used to paint nodes.
PagerBottomPanel Gets the style settings used to paint the pager panel displayed at the ASPxTreeList’s bottom.
PagerTopPanel Gets the style settings used to paint the pager panel displayed at the ASPxTreeList’s top.
PopupEditForm Gets the style settings used to paint the Popup Edit Form.
PopupEditFormWindow Gets the style settings defining the Popup Edit Form appearance.
PopupEditFormWindowCloseButton Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the Popup Edit Form‘s Close button.
PopupEditFormWindowContent Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the Popup Edit Form‘s content.
PopupEditFormWindowHeader Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the Popup Edit Form‘s header.
Preview Gets the style settings used to paint previews.
SearchPanel Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the search panel.
SelectedCell Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a selected cell.
SelectedNode Gets the style settings used to paint selected nodes.
SelectionCell Gets the style settings used to paint selection cells.
Theme Gets or sets the name of the Theme to be applied to a web control. Inherited from StylesBase.
TreeLineFirst Gets the style settings used to paint the tree line that connects the first node with the next node.
TreeLineFirstRtl Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the tree line that connects the first node with the next node, when the right-to-left layout is applied.
TreeLineLast Gets the style settings used to paint the tree line that connects the last node in a branch.
TreeLineLastRtl Gets the style settings defining the appearance of the tree line that connects the last node in a branch, when the right-to-left layout is applied.
TreeLineMiddle Gets the style settings used to paint a middle tree line.
TreeLineMiddleRtl Gets the style settings defining the appearance of a middle tree line, when the right-to-left layout is applied.
TreeLineRoot Gets the style settings used to paint tree lines that connect only root nodes.
See Also