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PivotXlsExportOptions Events
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Contains options that define how a Pivot Grid control is exported to XLS format in the data-aware export mode.
Name Description
AfterAddRow Fires immediately after a row is added to the output document.Only available in data-aware export mode. Inherited from XlsExportOptionsEx.
BeforeExportRow Fires consecutively for each control row when this row is about to be exported. Allows you to skip specific rows if they do not meet your custom criteria. Inherited from XlsExportOptionsEx.
BeforeExportTable Allows you to customize a native Excel table’s settings before export. This event is in effect when the XlsExportOptionsEx.LayoutMode property is set to Table.Only available in data-aware export mode. Inherited from XlsExportOptionsEx.
CustomizeCell Allows you to specify cell formatting when exporting a Pivot Grid control to XLSX format in data-aware mode.
CustomizeDocumentColumn Allows you to customize an individual column in the exported document - change its width, formatting, collapse the group containing the column or hide the column. Inherited from XlsExportOptionsEx.
CustomizeSheetFooter Allows you to add a footer to the output document. Only available in data-aware export mode. Inherited from XlsExportOptionsEx.
CustomizeSheetHeader Allows you to add a header to the output document.Only available in data-aware export mode. Inherited from XlsExportOptionsEx.
CustomizeSheetSettings Allows you to customize the output document’s settings. Only available in data-aware export mode. Inherited from XlsExportOptionsEx.
DocumentColumnFiltering Allows you to apply filters to the exported document’s columns.Only available in data-aware export mode. Inherited from XlsExportOptionsEx.
ExportProgress Fires repeatedly while the data is being exported.Only available in data-aware export mode. Inherited from XlsExportOptionsEx.
SkipFooterRow Allows you to hide certain summary footers (or certain multi-line summary footers’ lines) from the exported document.Only available in data-aware export mode. Inherited from XlsExportOptionsEx.
See Also