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PivotCustomFieldValueCellsEventArgs.Split Method

Name Parameters Description
Split(Boolean, Predicate<FieldValueCell>, FieldValueSplitData[]) isColumn, match, cells Splits all field value cells that match the specified condition.
Split(Boolean, Predicate<FieldValueCell>, Boolean, FieldValueSplitData[]) isColumn, match, firstCellOnly, cells Splits all field value cells that match the specified condition, or only the first matching cell.
Split(Boolean, Predicate<FieldValueCell>, Boolean, IList<FieldValueSplitData>) isColumn, match, firstCellOnly, cells Splits all field value cells that match the specified condition, or only the first matching cell.
Split(Boolean, Predicate<FieldValueCell>, IList<FieldValueSplitData>) isColumn, match, cells Splits all field value cells that match the specified condition.